Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to remain polite around a big-head?

I hope you great people can help me...I have an aquaintance... let's call him "Paul", and he has a HUGE head. I mean, people think "ok, it's like maybe a little bigger than normal-sized heads", but it's not. I think this thing has it's own gravitational pull going. It's freaking HUGE. Think of the biggest head you've ever seen, then think. that it's like a molecule or something.Anyhow, on the rare occasion that my wife and I get up North, we typically visit with "Paul", and his wife (who has a normal-sized head - see: opposites attract). The thing is, after a few beers go down, I want to slowy release crumpled napkins near his head to see if they orbit and stuff, but my wife (who also has a normal-sized head) says that doing that is insensitive, or some nonsense.What would YOU do in such a case??PLZ HELP!!1!!
There's a restaurant that just opened down the road from me called "Burgers as Big as Your Head". Take him there and FEED THE WHOLE CREW
Why do looks matter so much to you? Just ignore the fact that his head is 'huge.' It shouldn't matter if you are friends. I'd just be friends with the guy and forget about the his head size. Who cares how big his head is?
come on - are you serious? i mean get over the physical side to someone and care a little more about the inside. get a grip.
I can't believe you're at an age to be married and still think like this. There might not be any hope for you.
I notice you call him an acquaintance, not a friend. Still, being polite and respectful is very important. Remember, 'Paul' didn't grow this big head on purpose...and have some empathy for him. He's probably had a very hard time of being social all his life. Remember, IT ISN'T his fault, and act accordingly. How would YOU feel if your feet were suddently double the size they are, and even larger? Just remember, this could have happened to you as easily as it happened to him, and behave that way. A little empathy is a very good trait in a person. Be that person.
I'd bet a nickel that Paul thinks something like this about you, but manages to control it.Two main ways to deal with it-1. Value his friendship over the looks and ignore it.2. Value his looks (or the humor it brings you) over the friendship and break it off.
leave the person alone.
Stop breathing my oxygen.
go easy on d beer when ur around him!
Ya know, maybe it's the beer affecting you. When I drink things look a whole lot bigger than they actually are in real life.Depressing, I tell ya.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by a "big" head. Do you mean a physically large head that seems out of proportion to the rest of his body, or are you just referring to an over-inflated ego? I couldn't really tell. Okay, first, let's assume it's the former. An abnormally large head could be the result of a condition called "hydocephalus", which literally means, "water on the brain". This often occurs at birth, however, and I believe it can be treated. So if that's the case, your wife is absolutely correct. You don't poke fun at anyone's disability, because to do so would be very insensitive indeed. On the other hand, if he's just a big blow-hard, you can justifiably throw spit balls or paper wads at him to see if they orbit, or play a game of one upmanship. If he brags, you brag harder. Actually, what I would do is just ignore the guy, and find more and more excuses not to be in his company. In either event, I would take the road less traveled, and just be polite, understated, and mature. I hope this answers your question. Good luck!
I say if he keeps his gigundus noggin clean then there is no offense to be taken. I assume 'Paul' does as you did not mention odor or orbiting flies. The fact that you have a friend who will sit with you and share a glass of beer is reason to celebrate not insinuate. I suggest you guys plan a trip to South Dakota or Easter Island where larger craniums have a rich and wonderful history. If you can't get past it, I suggest you go around it and get some help from a professional.
Hmm, big head you say? Sounds like he may be a "Red Sox" fan. If this is the case, there is nothing you can do for him but be polite when his team loses.
Releasing balled up napkins to see if they orbit may sound like fun, but it's NOT. They could get orbiting at hypersonic speeds and slam right thru children or dogs, and no one wants that to happen.
It you must do the orbit test, try releasing small clouds of CO2 like from dry ice. You can watch the vapor swirl, and it is MUCH safer that using solids.
Hope this helps!
I know Paul personally. His big head comes from his child hood. When Paul was a young boy his parents thought big heads were cool. One summer day.. .Mr X (Paul's father) and Paul's family traveled by Kayak to Vietnam to build a special helmet used to grow heads bigger. When this gem was finally constructed Paul wore it every day thinking he was the coolest kid on the block. It also protected him from stray bullets coming from nearby drive by shootings in his neighborhood.It wasn't until his teenage days when he realized he couldn't grow his mullet any bigger (b/c of his special growing helmet) that he decided to take it off. As most young boys do Paul was changing. He began a desire to wear Kiss jackets and smoke butts instead of walking around town with his old helmet. Once this helmet was sawed off the brilliant looking Mellon we now see every day was finally out in the light. His parents dream of a boy with a huge head was out in the public. I now see Paul on occasion (minus the Kiss Jacket and mullet) and marvel at his squash.
Grow up, crybaby Bob. stop whining.

How to reduce your pore and rid blackheads?

I don't like my pores nor blackheads!!
Can someone help me pleassssssssse??!!
Use toners with salicylic acid, they remove and prevent recurrence of stubborn blackheads caused by facial oil build-up. In the process, your unsightly pores will also be smaller, making the skin smoother.http://asianskincare.wetpaint.com/page/t...
Alpha Hydrox AHA souffle, my large pores are gone after using it for a week.Kind of is a tingly, slight burn for a few second the first few times you use it. But not bad.
Use a pore minimizing astringent , such as the one from clean and clear, and try washing with a scrub cleanser meant for black heads. i think biore makes a good one.
Cleanse your face with unboiled milk, gently rub a coarse cloth dipped in milk to remove the blackheads. Steam your face with herbs like lavender, lemon peel and mint leaves added to the water and let the skin soak up its goodness. Check out http://useinfo-blackhead.blogspot.com/... for more useful tips to control blackheads.
I'm currently using mud mask to tighten the pores and it is working so far. I have been using for around 1month and realise my pores are smaller.
If you're keen, I can show you.

How to reduce fever in a kid ? 105?

We went to the emergency room when my daughter was running 104.9 and what did they have us do. Walk her around outside in her diaper in the cool air of all things. We walked and walked for over 2 hours and it finally came down and we were able to get her in to see the doctor. Gee I could have saved that $50 and stayed at home and did that. A fever is your bodies way of fighting off the virus or illness. A nice tepid bath- not cold because that can cause a child to go into shock, strip down to cool down, maybe a cool fan nearby, a cool cloth to the head and neck, cool water if they can handle drinking anything. Tylenol will help them to feel at ease. Feavers have to run their course. If it gets any higher or doesn't come down get to the doctor.
get them to an ER!
Take the child to the ER ...IMMEDIATELY.You are risking seizure at this point.No time to waste.Hurry.~M~
Go to ER but on the way there make sure the child only has one thin layer of clothing on, no blankets.Calpol suspension (paracetamol), the stated dose for the age of the child, never more.
Take them to the ER. Now if they have a fever of 101/102 you can sponge them with rubbing alcohol, keeping their body covered where you are not sponging because you don't want them to chill. My son ran 103 a lot when he was tiny because of ear infections and we lived an hour and a half from an ER so this is what I did and of course I kept fever reducer on hand. Young children automatically run higher fevers than grown ups do and it doesn't hurt them, normally. If you can give a Tylenol and it brings the fever down, even temporarily, you shouldn't be too shook up. Also, you can always call the ER and talk to a nurse and they will tell you what to do. I've done that several times and it got me through it.
W hy do you have to ask a question like tat?, which is so
Why are you still waiting?, take child to ER, before something really serious happens to him..
Get a book that will help you know what to do in case of emergencies like this one, also use logic. good luck.
my son gets high fever that result in seizures. I was told to give him a dose of motrin or advil and a cool bath to try to lower the temp. Also feeding ice chips or popcycles to cool the body and rehydrate. Then go to the ER because the fever has a reason that needs to be treated. Take a few wet wash cloths in a zip lock bag and continue wiping the childs body with them. Remove as many clothes as possible and cover with a thin sheet only DO NOT USE ALCOHOL AS THIS CAN LOWER THE TEMP TOO FAST AND CAUSE A SEIZURE AND IT ALSO DEHYDRATES THE BODY.,

How to quickly get rid of body acne? (back)?

had it for a while. help please!
Make the paste of Rakta-chandan ( sandalwood ) and Turmeric with milk, and apply it over the acne. More home remedies available at http://www.wellnesstalk.org/acne.html...
They sell body wash/scrub especially for acne at any drugstore. It works well, it should do the job. Good luck!
get a cotton bud and soak in tea tree oil and get someone to put on your pimples it will clear up in no rime
Read an article on back acne below :- What Causes Back Acne, the link : http://www.acneskin123.com/back-acne-wha...Hope this helps.

How to put cancer in remission?

Your link shows you are not interested in asking a question about putting cancer into remission. You are promoting an alternative treatment with no evidence of effectiveness. There are enough hucksters out there.
You don't just will cancer into remission. You have to do the treatments and pray for the best. I had breast cancer. 4 1/2 years ago.
By doing the treatments that go with the type of cancer you have. Surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation. Cancer doesn't just go into remission.
Do the surgery or the treatments that they recommend.And pray.
Remission can be accomplished by a cancer patients if she will really follow all her treatments like chemotherapy,radiation and etc.

How to prevent recurring boils on the border of the lips?

in the initial stages of development, the area swells up causing a lot of pain.then turns red,%26 gradually white puss
forms.all these cause a lot of unbearable pain..once 1 boil dies off another one appears exactly on the borders...
i do have lot of pimples ( not red,not painful.just comes %26 goes...leaves a small holes...)...plz help coz i have had it enough 4 so many years...reply soon please.thank you!
If it is cold sores why don't you try abreva. This is what most people are using now and it will take the pain and infection down by 50%. There are other names for this cold sore treatment but abreva is what i use.
Cold sores (Herpes labialis) suspected. Consult a dermatologist.
You can find a lot of information on causes,treatment,home remedies and prevention of boils at http://ailments.in/boil.html

How to prevent pimples?

Send all your stock of chocolate to me then every time you feel the need for chocolate in future buy clearasil instead (or even soap). Sweet fatty food like choc makes the skin oily. Pimples come when the oil is not cleaned off thoroughly.
Just keep your face oil-free and dirt-free.. wash it often
do not touch your face excessively it will cut down on the oils. and wash your face daily, with face washes to avoid them.
use a good medicated soap,leave it on for a good two minutes to penetrate
Wash your face frequently.Sweets may or may not actually have something to with acne, so avoid them.If you are having serious regular eruptions, see a dermatologist, and follow his/her instructions.
Use medicated facial wahes or facial soap with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.. if breakouts occur more than u can bare, use acne washes or see the dermatologist as it may probably cause by hormone imbalance.. eat lesser grease foods, drink a lot of water, get enough sleep and eat more veggies, coz natural way is still the best way.. medicated cream is also available from pharmacy. if ur using moisturizers, use the one that is mild and water-base or oil-free, like cetaphil or neutrogena..
If I knew the answer I'd be rich.
Normally pimples are caused by oily skin.So wash your face occasionally with face cleanser and don't use soap cause it will aggravate the situation.Avoid oily foods primarily nuts.
Jessica Simpson says to buy Pro-Active.
There is no way of knowing whether pimple prevention is necessary until the dreaded pimples actually crop up and refuse to go away on their own. However, it is a safe bet that most teenagers and a high number of adults are going to have pimples at some point and to some degree.If the problem has been traditionally acute in previous family generations, you can count on having it, too. If the problem looms on the horizon and appears as a genetically encoded time bomb, some preventive measures are definitely in order before the pimples develop. And if pimples have ever plagued you in the past, they might come back in the future, too.The most basic form of pimple prevention is hygiene and prophylactic (preventive) skin care. Regular washing of endangered or affected areas with mild soap is a must. Such soap need not necessarily contain any chemicals designed to prevent pimples 鈥?the only watchword is scrupulous hygiene. However, face washing should not be overdone or the skin will become dehydrated and the problem will be exacerbated.Pimple-prone skin should be kept free of heavy makeup, especially the kind that has a heavy fatty content. Theatrical makeup of any kind and for any reason should be strictly avoided, as should the water-resistant kind. Go for hypoallergenic grades of makeup 鈥?these may not have as spectacular a cosmetic effect, but they are definitely friendlier on pimple-prone skin.If you are on any kind of antidepressant or antipsychotic medications, check with both your psychiatrist and dermatologist about the possibility of skin changes. Women on birth control pills may want to consider alternative methods of contraception if recurrent pimple infestation is a problem for them. This change should be initiated in consultation with a qualified gynecologist.There is direct evidence linking fatty foods with the occurrence of pimples; and avoiding these foods on general principle can鈥檛 be anything but an excellent idea.
it all depends on your age if your a teen try not letting your face get so greasy and was sweat offf..... and whether or not its a myth ... when i was a teenager a very long time ago, certain sodas would make me break out.... especially Mountain Dew... but pimples are something you sort of grow out of..
Acne and pimples is one of the most distressing and depressing problems faced mostly by youngsters. Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day. Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on pimples. Check out http://useinfo-acne.blogspot.com/... for more useful info.

How to prevent burn from scarring?

Yesterday at work I was placing a pot in the steam table (a table that hold 200+ degree water that keeps foods warm) and I placed the pot in the steam table to fast and water overflood from the sides and I burnt my belly and now I have this hugh red mark on my stomach and was wondering I can try to prevent it from scarring? Thank you.
If your skin is just red, it means you only have a first degree burn. What works for me is applying fresh (or relatively fresh) aloe vera gel to the burn for a few days. If you can get an aloe leaf, break it open and rub the gel on the burn, then let it dry. The aloe is soothing as it dries, and it helps with healing. If you can't get fresh aloe vera gel, then you can use the type that's recommended for sunburns... it's cooling and soothing, but it doesn't really do as much for the healing as the real stuff. Vitamin E oil also works well with healing and on scars, but I prefer using the polysporin 'heal-fast' ointment on mild burns, because in addition to antibiotics it has cocoa butter and vitamin E in it... i.e. it keeps your burn from getting infected, and it helps to keep scars from forming too!If your skin blisters, then you have a 2nd degree burn. Please please do NOT break the blisters and PLEASE see a doctor! If the blisters aren't taken care of properly, then after they break they will leave really bad scars! (trust me, I have an oil burn on my arm to prove that)If your skin blisters, and you have scars, then you can use (whatever the doctor gives you or) polysporin on the burns as they heal. Polysporin helped with healing AND minimized scarring for me. After the burn heals, if you see a noticeable scar, you can use 'Scar Therapy' from "New-Skin” (http://newskinproducts.com/scar-therapy. . It will minimize the appearance of new scars after they've healed. (In case you're wondering... I'm a really bad cook, and I'm accident prone, so these are burn remedies that have worked for me. Good Luck!)
vitamin e oil
Use aloe Vera and cocoa butter %26 vitamin e on it...my son had a surgery scar on his knee, and after the stiches closed we used lotion on it with vitamon e and cocoa butter and you cannot see the scar at all unless you get right up on it.

How to pass my drug blood test?

i smoked yesterday and have found out today i have one on friday.(blood test) if I drank 3 gallons of water and execise like hell, do i have a chance of passing?by the way it was weed.
Your screwed think about it blood test that's why they do drug
tests that way now days you can't get it out of your system overnite.
...it (your body) has do it on it's own...sorry...GL
That is wrong! You shouldn't be smoking weed! I am not helping you!
Hope I don't go to your place of work. Hope you fail..good luck.
The way I heard it, THC is measurable in the blood up to 30 days. Water and exercise can't make your liver any quicker, dude.Why'd you smoke if your job prohibits it and tests for it?
i really hope you don't have a chance of passing...and if you do-doing stupid stuff like that will eventually get back at you.
QUIT SMOKING ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES! You'll pass every single time, I swear on that 100%! (pick a new vice, Code Red Mountain Dew, Double Stuf Oreos, Taco Bell Chalupa with fire sauce...cheaper, legal, and never a chance it'll get you fired!
are you serious? i hope you don't pass. don't do drugs, man. they're bad for you! they hurt you!! why don't people understand that?? if you just google "harmful effects of weed" then you'll get what you're doing to your body!!

How to minimize UV rays burning our scalp?

during jogging or any activities under the afternoon sun, is it possible/practical to apply sun screen on our scalp?
Absolutely. You need to protect the skin on your head as well. Try a non-greasy sunblock. The sunblock I use is from Shaklee and it moisturizes your skin at the same time, it's non-toxic and it isn't greasy. But any sunblock should do the trick.
Maybe you should wear a cap or something.
They call them hats, its a great invention.
Some spray type sunscreen can reach the scalp in short haired/bald people.Otherwise, a hat is probably your best option.
? good question, is there a sunblock shampoo hmmm ill be keeping an eye on this one, Oh and id suggest a bandana if theres no sunpoo%26lt;------ I made that up

How to make your dark complexion lighter?

fair skin
There is no safe way to lighten your skin. You could try some products but you run the risk of blotchy skin or scarring. If you want lighter skin, see a dermatologist. However, he will probably tell you what I am about to say. You skin tone is determined by genetics and it goes with the whole package that makes you who you are: hair color, eye color, etc. You are perfectly co-ordinated just as you are. Celebrate your uniqueness.In the meantime, avoid the sun, self-tanners or "glow" products which will make your complexion darker.

How to lower the systolic part of high blood pressure?

i've recently tested for high blood pressure and i've taken some steps which have really helped. i've improved my diet immensely (much lower sodium intake), and i'm exercising regularly now. I noticed (..knocking on wood..) that my heart rate is generally excellent ...usually low to mid 70s, sometimes lower than that) and my dialostic blood pressure is good, usually very low 80s, and often times mid to high 70s - awesome. I'm still having difficulties with the systolic however - most times it's low to high 130s, and sometimes higher than that, in the 140s and ...occasionally, creeping above 150ish. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated? dhanyawad
i have high blood pressure and have been told that the dialostic raises under stress and pain...the systolic is true blood pressure. You don't mention your age or other health factors. Smoking, weight, alcohol intake,coffee consumption, chlosterol levels, certain medications...etc. all these can contribute to a higher reading. Good link below for info. Thumbs up to you for not ignoring it. Good luck Dear.P.s. Now reading that you are other wise healthy and in shape..Your blood pressure is high normal..have you had your cholesterol checked? Are you a type A personality? Any family history of high blood pressure? Mine is herititary. Do you stress out easy? Relaxation exercises may help. You say that sometimes it creeps above 150...This really sounds like heritary...in which case there's not much more you can do besides what your doing already and learning relaxtion techniques.
deplete salt all together from your diet,everything we buy is salted,read labels for sodium content,the figures given by you blood pressure wise,you sound quite fit
130 isn't high actually. Over 140 constantly then a dr may want to use meds. although it depends on each individual. exercise, lower your salt and sometimes stress or if you are ill can higher your blood pressure.

How to lower stomach acid without drugs?

Acidity may be defined as sour or burning sensation in the chest, which is caused by regurgitation of the excessive acid secretion into the upper end of the esophagus.It is advisable to chew the food properly and drink lot of water for proper digestion and absorption.Most acidity problems occur after meals, when doing some heavy exercise and applying pressure in the intra-abdominal region or at night when lying down.Home remedies for acidity: * Drinking milk or eating milk products are helpful in relieving symptoms of acidity.
* Foods such as pickles, vinegar, fried foods, hot spicy foods, chocolate, pastries, and raw salad vegetables like onion, radish, cabbage, and peppers should be avoided.
* Clove also helps to relieve the symptoms of acidity. Suck one piece of clove slowly to relieve the symptoms. It also helps to reduce the onset of disease that arises due to acidity.
* A cup of vanilla ice cream or a glass of cold milk also helps to get relieve heartburn and acidity within minutes.
* Almonds are also a good source for relieving the heartburn and acidity. Eat several almonds when heartburn symptoms persist.
* Lemons also help to prevent heartburn. Cut a lemon into thin strips and dip in salt. Eat before meals to prevent heartburn.
* Take some mint leaves and chop these and then boil in a cup of water and sip slowly after meals. If a person drinks Fresh mint juice every day he will never experience acidity.
* Jaggery or gur taken after every meal also helps to reduce the acidity. Keep a piece of gur in the mouth and slowly suck it till acidity decreases.
* Eating bananas is also helpful in preventing the symptoms of acidity and heartburn. To prevent acidity it is advised to eat a banana daily.
* A mixture of 2 tsp of natural apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp raw honey in a glass of water before meals fights with acidity.
* Basil (tulsi) leaves helps to get relief from burning, nausea and gas. Chew some leaves of tulsi to decrease the acidity.
* Coconut water 4-5 times a day decreases the symptoms of the acidity and the heartburn.
* Harad (Terminalia chebula) if taken after every meal prevents the symptoms of the acidity.
* 1 tsp juice of chebulic myroblan mixed with 1 tsp of amla (Indian gooseberry) juice helps to prevent acidity and heartburn.
* Boil one cup of water. To this add 1 tsp of Aniseed (Saunf). Cover and leave overnight. Strain the water in the morning, add 1 tsp of honey. When this is taken 3 times a day it prevents acidity.
* To 1 陆 liters of water add 1 tsp Caraway seeds (shah jeera). Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Sip while warm. Take this liquid 2-3 times a day for 5-6 days. It will decrease the acidity.
* Take a glass of water, add a pinch of baking soda and drink it. It gives immediate relief from acidity.
* Take a glass of warm water, add a pinch of hing (asafoetida) and have it every morning to prevent acidity.
* Eat a serving of cucumber or watermelon 4-5 times in a day to fight against acidity.
* Fennel helps to relieve abdominal pain, colon disorders, gas, and gastrointestinal tract spasms. It is an effective remedy for acidic stomach conditions (heartburn).
* Ginger is very useful for digestive disorders. It help to relieve indigestion from rich foods.
* Make a fine powder by adding equal amounts of ginger powder, black pepper, dried mint leaves, asafetida (hing), anise seeds, coriander seeds, cumin, fennel and common salt. Dosage: Take about 1 teaspoon of this powder with water, twice a day after meals.
* It is advised to eat 8-10 glass to water daily. Drinking water gives immediate relief to symptoms like wind, distended stomach and acidity.
* Chewing bubble-gum also disappears the acidity. This is an easy and best way to get rid of Acidity.
* For heartburn drink a teaspoon of vinegar. It is because there is not sufficient acid in our stomach to digest food properly, thus gasses come back up and burn our stomach.
* Calcium also helps to fight with the heartburn and acidity. Yoghurt or ice-cream gives immediate relief from acidity and heartburn.
* 1 tsp juice of chebulic myroblan mixed with 1 tsp of amla (Indian gooseberry) juice daily relieves acidity.
* Powder one clove and one cardamom; use the powder as a mouth freshener after every meal. No more acidity and no more bad breathe.
* After food maintain an upright posture to prevent the reflex and to prevent the symptoms of acidity.
* Sleep with your head and shoulder on a high pillow for elevation.
* Do not skip meals. Do not keep large gap between meals. This produces gas / wind.
* Eat dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed.
* Last but not the least stop smoking and cut down on alcohol.
Drink milk.
drink milk a lot
Eat the BRAT diet...Bananas, apples, raisins, toast. Evaluate your diet, and cut out fatty foods. Eat smaller meals, avoid eating within 2 hours of bedtime. Losing weight can cut down stomach acid, and maintaining a healthy weight. Avoid caffeine and chocolate, and tomato products.
Milk is just a myth in my opinion. I haven't drank it in two years, and I'm fine. What I do in this situation is eat a piece of bread. It kind of soaks up the acid like a sponge.
Check with your local health food store. I've used something called Acti-Zyme, which are natural enzymes that aid in all sorts of digestion problems, including acid reflux. I also know someone who swears by Aloe Vera juice, which she also got at the health food store. And also, sounds strange, but plain Pringles. When you feel heartburn, eat a few plain Pringles %26 it will knock it right out.
Tums does not contain "drugs". It merely combines with stomach acid and neutralizes it. Most antacid products work that way. Most heartburn or "acid indigestion" is not caused by what you eat, but by a weakness in the muscle that closes the lower end of the esophagus. That muscle should close tightly to prevent stomach contents from backing up the esophagus. When it doesn't work properly, you get heartburn because the stomach acid irritates the lining of the esophagus. Obesity and pregnancy can contribute to this situation. Milk does NOT improve it; in fact in some people it causes another form of indigestion, so it can make the problem worse.
Many antacids like "Tums" or "Rolaids" are nothing more than a "food" product that absorbs the acid. They are pretty effective and do not act in a drug like fashion to shut off the acid producing pumps.
Maalox Max. Don't get addicted to the stuff though. If it's happening every day, your doctor can give you something you can take every day.
milk, baking soda
Add a half teaspoon of baking soda to 4 oz of water. Stir well and drink 2 oz for instant relief. Finish the rest in about 5 - 10 minutes. Works instantly. And you may repeat as often as necessary. Much cheaper too!
Drink clear carbonated drinks like 7up or Ginger Ale. The Carbon Dioxide in the drink will help neutralyze the acid. Simple chemistry.
I'll tell you what works for any and all of my stumick issues.
Keep your digestive fire strong.
Walk after meals.
Put at least 3 hours between meals.
Make sure you are hungry before you eat.
Eat fruit alone.If I mix it with other foods my stomach gets upset.
For the best quick fix for stomach acid try two raw eggs.Nothing works better.
Peppermints, they get the saliva production going and help to eliviate stomach acid. If you have very bad acid, I would suggest a Dr. visit to find out the cause.
A couple quick, friendly corrections to some misinformation folks have posted here. :)1st correction: the BRAT diet is not "bananas, apples, raisins, toast". The BRAT diet is "bananas, rice, applesauce, toast". This combination works like a charm for resolving DIARRHEA, but it has nothing to do with resolving acid reflux, heartburn or overabundant stomach acid. If you do not have loose stools and you eat too much of the BRAT diet, you'll most likely get constipated, so please don't do it for your heartburn!! As an aside -- there is now a BRATT diet, with the extra "T" standing for tea. Black tea is high in tannins, which have an astringent effect on the bowels and are also good for stopping diarrhea.2nd correction: The person above me recommended peppermint. DO NOT eat or drink anything with peppermint if you have problems with acid reflux or too much stomach acid!! :( Peppermint is extremely irritating to the stomach and esophagus when it's already irritated by acid. I know this personally, because I've suffered from GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux, a.k.a acid reflux) for years, and everything I've read and everything I've heard says to stay AWAY from peppermint. And it's true, because if I ever eat pepperminty stuff, I'm very uncomfortable. :( If you want to do something to stimulate your saliva to flow, as the person above me stated, just chew your favorite gum, or suck on a piece of hard candy.

How to lose the bug in a day (sick)?

how do i lose the flew
wait it out and let mother nature take it's course, be sure to get lots of rest to build up your immune system.
hope you feel better soon.
You can try lots of garlic and a whole lot of positive thinking.Laughter has always been the best medicine!!
Unfortunatelyt you can't. A "bug" such as the common cold virus or influenza, once it has taken hold in your body it will work it's natural course. There are some things that you can do to prevent that from happening which I will mention in a moment. In the meantime, here is some personal advise. Don't be so anxious. You will need to rest to give your body';s natural immuno system to take IT"S natural course in mounting it's defenses. Avoid strenuous tasks...mental or physical. Be a willfull collaborator with your body and take aspirin, vitamin C, hot clear soups, and water. Take antihistamin if warranted. If your cold is causing blockage in your nasal passages or chest, and it has lasted a few days, or is particulalrly severe, see a doctor. Ditto if it's accompanied by fever.
For prevention: wash your hands...often. Use soap generously or carry a small tube of hand sanitizer. Avoid airplanes or other crowded situations to the extent that you can. Get your flu vaccination every year...without fail. Be observant about your surroundings...someone is hacking away or looks feverish. Avoid contact. A known flu epidemic spreading around...read about it at the CDC bulletin board. http://www.cdc.gov/
A miracle.Otherwise, take some Airborne (I use the generic) or some Zicam and wait a while.It won't get rid of anything immediately, but it'll be faster than if you use nothing at all (especially the Zicam.)Gargle with warm salt water and snort some saline from a nose bottle (cheap at drugstore, like a buck or two) and drink plenty of fluids.

How to keep the dirt down in my home so I can breath ?

my whole yard right now is blow sand due to we are landscaping . I have sever asthma and allergies and the wind kicked up real bad today and i cannot really breath today through my nose cause all i get is dirt . Any ideas on how to get the dirt down till I can get my yard finished and a air purifer .
Close the windows and turn on the a/c. You can also get a HEPA a/c filter, they cost more than a regular filter for obvious reasons, but work for some relief.Also I would consider hosing down the yard regularly to keep the blowing dirt down.

How to help allergies when you have high blood pressure?

I know there are tons of allergy medications, however, my mom has high blood pressure so she is restricted to most medications for allergies. Any suggestions?
Patients with high blood pressure still have options with allergy meds, it's the decongestant part of medications that she shouldn't take but antihistamines are fine. Brand names differ from country to country but as long as she asks the pharmacist for a straight antihistamine (either sedating or a newer non-drowsy one will be fine) then she can get relief. Sedating ones will make her tired but are great for drying up running noses and itchy skin whereas the newer non-drowsy ones work directly on the histamines being released from the body because of whatever she's allergic to. These will help with sneezing, running nose, watery eyes etc. A Pharmacist is a great person to talk to about this as they understand about the blood pressure issue and can go through options with her. Hope this helps!
Actually, there are lots of choices for your mom. Most allergy meds don't raise blood pressure. It's the sinus meds that do. She can take everything from Benadryl to prescription Zyrtec.
I have bad allergies and had high blood pressure until a recent weight loss. I took Allegra and Flonase when I had the high blood pressure, still take them, and they work great. No allergy attacks anymore.

How to help a cough if you have high blood pressure?

So my mom has this cough and she's tried tons of medicines but don't seem to work. She recently bought that Mucinex DM or whatever and that didnt help either. Any suggestions? Also, my mom has high blood pressure so if you suggest any medicines it has to be a medicine that high blood pressure people can take. Thanks.
You should get her to try to take a spoon of honey if she cant take it straight try disolving it in a cup of tea the honey eases off the cough, or get or pharmacist to give you some cough suppressant, Guaifenesin, the only approved expectorant on the market,
Also Delsym庐 12 hour cough suppressant go to its web site good stuff too
Plain Robitussin (not Robitussin DM or anything like that, just plain). If the cough doesn't go away within the next day or so, she really needs to see her doctor to see what's going on.
I like Halls Breezers they take away the tickle that makes me cough and they aren't real medicine so it won't hurt her. If it get too bad she should phone her doctor for other recommendations.
Actually it may be your moms high blood pressure medicine that is making her cough discuss this with your docter as this is a side affect of some antihypertensives. But if it is just a cold check with the local pharmacy they have some cough syrup over the counter specifically for high blood presure clients. Good Luck
Have her pick up Coricidin HBP (I hope I spelled that right) cough syrup at your local drug store. It is made especially for people with high blood pressure, and is completely safe for them to use. An ongoing cough can be a sign of a more serious problem, if the cough has been going on for an extended period of time, you should consult a doctor.
Here are a few simple home remedies that will help to overcome cough. Have honey in a hot drink before bed time.To relieve fits of coughing due to dryness in the throat, suck a few pepper corns. Check out http://useinfo6.blogspot.com/ for more remedies and information.

How to heal from an ACL surgery?

I am going through this right now i had surgery on my left knee full reconstruction this is week 8. The first 2 weeks you need to do R%26gt;I%26gt;C%26gt;E rest, ice, compress, elevate youre trying to control the swelling as long as its swollen you wont be able to do much it will be more painful, then you have to start therapy some doctor will let you start dont some sort of exercise from the beggining like ankle raises and circle to get you moving the faster the better so you wont stiffen up. I know it sucks cause you want to get back to normal activity but it jus takes time it all comes together little by little you'll see this is a test of how far you can push yourself but ofcouse be careful dont overdue it. Good Luck!!
After surgery, there are several steps to your healing:Control SwellingFirst, you need to get your pain under control and decrease the swelling. Virtually every surgeon will recommend ice therapy of some kind. Some will prescribe a cryotherapy device. You may not have been prescribed a cryotherapy device because your insurance may not cover it; paying the hospital for the device can be VERY expensive. We have cryotherapy units that are identical to the ones handed out by many hospitals, but at a fraction of the cost (we do not have the overhead of your typical hospital!). The DonJoy Iceman is the state-of-the-art cryotherapy device used by hospitals and professional teams alike. It provides continuous, self-operating cooling to your joint. Our PolarCare Cub represents an intermediate cold therapy device which is functional in reducing pain and swelling, and economical in price. Unlike the Iceman, the Polarcare unit does not require electricity and can be taken anywhere, including the playing field. We also offer the DuraKold system, as well, for a more economical form of cryotherapy.RehabilitateSecond, you need to rehabilitate your knee. First you need to regain your motion, then your strength. This is usually done with the assistance of a physical therapist. However, in our experience, those people who perform exercises on their own, in addition to the 1-3 times a week prescribed physical therapy, will have superior results from their reconstruction. Our Deluxe Knee Rehabilitation Kit is just the tool to help you do your exercises at home frequently and comfortably. In our own patients, it is easy to see who is doing their exercises at home and who is not. Those people who do home exercises clearly recover their range of motion and strength quicker, regain normal gait faster, and get back to non-pivoting sports (e.g., biking, running, swimming) sooner.BracingThird, you need to discuss bracing with your doctor. This is usually broken down into to phases in the postoperative period: the immediate postop phase, and the rehabilitation phase. The immediate postop phase begins on the day of surgery and lasts for several weeks thereafter (the exact duration varies from surgeon to surgeon). Most doctors will give you a "range-of-motion" or "postoperative brace", such as the DonJoy IROM, immediately following surgery to protect your newly reconstructed graft. Important note: check with your insurance company before surgery about its coverage for braces! Many companies only reimburse a percentage of the brace. If you get the brace from a retail orthotic shop or the hospital at the time of surgery, it could cost you 2-3 times as much as the same exact brace bought from JointHealing.com and taken with you to the hospital on the day of surgery! The DonJoy IROM is the most commonly presribed brace in the immediate rehab phase of surgery; most other braces are quite similar (but in our opinion, of lower quality). If you want to make sure the DonJoy IROM would be similar to another brace your surgeon has prescribed, please contact us.The second period is the rehabilitation phase. After your ligament has healed, your motion has been regained, and much of your strength improved, your surgeon may recommend a functional or "sports" brace. The decision will be based on your stability after reconstruction, the types of sports you want to return to, and you and your doctor's feelings about braces in general. This is a conversation you should have with your surgeon prior to your last visit with him or her. Remember, just because you've had your ACL reconstructed, it doesn't mean you can't still tear the ligament again the way you did the first time. We tell our patients that while ACL reconstruction is an excellent procedure to get them back to pre-injury level of sports, the reconstruction cannot make their knee better than it was originally. For that reason, most patients feel more comfortable wearing a sports brace for at least 1 season upon their return to play, while their strength, stability, and joint proprioception (nerve function) continue to improve.A study (1) presented at the 2004 meeting of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine showed that of professional skiers who have had ACL reconstructions, those who wore braces when they returned to sports were 2.74 times less likely to injure their knee than those who did not wear braces. This effect was even more pronounced in women: female skiers were 3.4 times more likely to injure their knee again if they did not wear a brace.Your doctor may recommend a custom ACL brace. These are very expensive (more than $1,000) and many insurance companies will no longer cover them, especially after ACL reconstruction. We have found that the DonJoy eXtreme and Innovation Sports Edge knee braces provide just as much stability, comfort, and function as any custom brace, at a fraction of the cost. The eXtreme utilizes DonJoy's patented 4-point stability system. The Edge uses the same hinge system as found in their high-end custom brace, the CTi2.Another commonly prescribed knee brace is the DonJoy Legend. This is DonJoy's former top-of-the-line off the shelf knee brace. It provides excellent support, is lightweight and is breathable. It also utilizes the DonJoy 4-point stability system. It is a great brace and is less expensive than the eXtreme. However, it does lack the anti-migration supracondylar pads that helps to keep the eXtreme brace in place at your knee, and also is slightly heavier.The next most commonly prescribed brace is a sturdy yet comfortable hinged knee brace. We, as well as many professional sports teams and the U.S. Ski team, favor the DonJoy Playmaker Knee Brace. This brace feels great, has a 4-point dynamic leverage system to specifically control movements that stress the ACL, and will allow you to return to contact sports, motocross racing, and skiing, to name a few. And, with our special online pricing, it is very affordable.If you just need some mild side-to-side support and your knee is quite stable, then our Drytex Hinged Knee Brace, also made by DonJoy, is just the device for you. More economical than the Playmaker, it provides excellent stability for most non-contact activities and has even been used by many people with a stable knee after reconstruction for contact sports.

How to heal 2nd degree burns?

Just about 2 weeks ago there was a fire in my laundry room, nothing too big or serious and everything was okay, nothing burned down, and so on. However, the heat of the fire caused a second degree burn on my mothers arm, its starting to heal, and it doesnt look as bad anymore, it was pretty terrible at first, but I was wondering, how can you minimize a 2nd degree burn and help the drying/scabbing? Thanks.
ASK her doctor for a prescription of
" S S D" it is a creme with "silver sulfadiazine" in it. I wish your mom would have had it on DAY ONE! It takes away the pain and burning PLUS promotes healing with LESS scaring.
I have a habit of getting burned on MY wall oven... This stuff is a MIRACLE worker for burns, even IF the burn is as old as your moms. I have been using it for three years now (c:PLEASE have her get this from her Doctor (c:added after reading other replies...do N O T keep the burn covered with bandages.
put burn cream on it or antiseptic and cover wait a few weeks and it will start to blister dont pop wait as long as possiable and then more antiseptic and just keep it covered
a few years ago i leaned on a hot grill and burned both my arms on the most sensitive part to the second degree. I had to go to the ER and they gave me this sweet cream stuff that felt so good but neosporian will work too. smear it on twice a day and wrap with gauze.
Since its a heat burn (ie one from fire or sun) its not as bad as say an electrical or chemical burn. Be sure to apply aloe to allow the live skin to re-attach and minimize pain. Also be sure to change the dressings 3-4 times daily and once during the night. It may be inconvenient but WILL protect from infection and further skin damage.
IMPORTANT-if any black marks or white peeling skin occurs you must go to the hospital because the burn is worse than you thought and may be stage 3 which may require medication to stop infection. Keep track of her temperature and fluid intake to make sure its not sub par.
As for the drying, the aloe will help with most of that. DO NOT RUB OR PICK OFF SCABS, the live skin will reattach and the dead will fall off on its own. It just takes time. Hope your mom is OK and don't be afraid to seek medical help. Take care of yourself.
second degree indicates sub-dermal blistering. she should have gone to an er for immediate treatment. being this long after, there is little she can do except to keep some salve, preferably medicated, on it to keep the skin from getting hard ansd scaley. another method is to keep it covered slightly with petroleum jelly to keep it from getting too dried out. otherwise, she will just have to let it heal on its own. or she may go to the dr and see if he can recommend some late term treatment options.
For second-degree burns, home treatment is all that is needed for healing and to prevent other problems.Rinse burned skin with cool water until the pain stops. Usually rinsing will stop the pain in 15 to 30 minutes. The cool water lowers the skin temperature and stops the burn from becoming more serious. Place arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, or toes in a basin of cool water.Apply cool compresses to burns on the face or body.Do not use ice or ice water, which can cause tissue damage. Take off any jewelry, rings, or clothing that could be in the way or that would become too tight if the skin swells. Clean the burnWash your hands before cleaning a burn. Do not touch the burn with your hands or anything dirty, because open blisters can easily be infected. Do not break the blisters. Clean the burn area with mild soap and water. Some of the burned skin might come off with washing. Pat the area dry with a clean cloth or gauze. Put on an antibiotic ointment. Ointments such as Bacitracin, Polysporin, or Silvadene can be used. Do not put sprays or butter on burns, because this traps the heat inside the burn. Bandaging the burn
If the burned skin or blisters have not broken open, a bandage may not be needed. If the burned skin or unbroken blisters are likely to become dirty or be irritated by clothing, apply a bandage. If the burned skin or blisters have broken open, a bandage is needed. To further help prevent infection, apply a clean bandage whenever your bandage gets wet or soiled. If a bandage is stuck to a burn, soak it in warm water to make the bandage easier to remove. If available, use a nonstick dressing. There are many bandage products available. Wrap the burn loosely to avoid putting pressure on the burned skin. Do not tape a bandage so that it circles a hand, arm, or leg. This can cause swelling. There are many nonprescription burn dressings available. If the burn is on a leg or an arm, keep the limb raised as much as possible for the first 24 to 48 hours to decrease swelling. Move a burned leg or arm normally to keep the burned skin from healing too tightly, which can limit movement.

How to have a clear face?

What are some tips to have a clear face with no acne? Also, is there any way to remove moles from the face without scars?
You could have laser done (It shouldn't scar) Use pure and natural products to keep on top of your face.Wash, toner, and an spf cream
repeat at night with a night cream (wash, toner etc)Bi weekly exfoliating on a clean face
and once a week a mask on a clean face -Use pure and natural products. I suggest Arbonne however if it is to $ - stick to something like Burts bee or nutragena
Use cleanser instead of soap because cleanser is mild. Soap strips your skin of moisture, causing aging. This can aggravate the sun damage. Cleanser will clean your skin properly and make you feel fresh. One of the best cleansers specially recommended by skin experts is Cetaphil.These ingredients refreshes your skin, changes the pH level of your skin to prevent the growth of bacteria and acne and clears away the dead and damaged skin. Alpha-hydroxy (glycolic acid) and Beta-hydroxy (salicylic acid) work effectively on the oily skin. TCA is moderately strong acid and is ideal for skin care.
Use the Cream more information http://www.skincarefairy.com
Proper skin care, a healthy diet, and moderate exercise will almost always clear up any face. A proper skin care regimen would include a facial cleanser, toner, moisturizer, eye cream and treatment if necessary. This is to be repeated morning and night. I am a certified beauty advisor and would love to answer your questions on a more detailed, personal basis. Try Avon skin care products. It's all I use. They are backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee which is awesome!The only way you should try removing moles is by professional laser treatments.

How to get rip of pimple?

An excellent remedy for pimples or acne-prone skin can be made by mixing 1 teaspoon ground cloves with 2 tablespoons fullers earth and ice water. When you wash your face, use sugar to scrub it, at least once a day, for two weeks to rid yourself of acne. Check out http://useinfo-acne.blogspot.com/... for more useful info.
just wash your face everyday.
and it will eventually go away.

How to get ride of ringworm?

I have had ringworm 4 about 4 weeks going on 5 i have tryed clear finger nail polish and antifungel cram
I would go see a dermotologist or a PCP but probably what is happening you are re-infecting yourself and it is not going away, though it does take awhile to get rid of it. Make sure you do not put any lotions on it and keep it covered when you go out. Also, make sure you wash all your bedding and clothes with hot water because that is one way how it spreads.
Go to yr doctor, he/she will give medication. DON'T TRY HOME REMEDY'S!
Go to a doctor, ringworm is caused by the fungal infection epidermophyton.

How to get rid off dark underams?

Before going to bed, rub a skin lightener cream under your arms. Ambi is a good cream lightener, do not use any deodorant and cleanse under arm before using. Don't be to rough when cleansing, this may cause an irritation.
Wash gently with a mild soap and dry properly before applying and you should be just fine. :)
Uhh..why are they dark? If theres no skin condition and theyre just dark try skin toner/bleach (it doesnt bleach tho, it lightens the skin) Get it from walmart or a pharmacy. goo dluck
by "dark" do you mean "dirty-looking" even when you wash hard for hours? because "dirty looking underarms" are a symptom of diabetes...
Look at your family-- do other people have the same color distribution? It may just be genetic. Are you overweight or otherwise have a reason for persistant chafing? Try to keep the area as clean and dry as possible. Otherwise you might have something called acanthosis nigricans. Often this condition is seen in darker skinned people, its often a sign of elevated blood sugar. If you're overweiight, of black or hispanic ancestry, have a family history of diabetes, I would go to a doctor. Outside of topical skin lightners like hydroquinone (which at the over the counter strength are mildly helpful at best) the best idea would be to get to a doctor to see if something more serious (like diabetes) may be causing the problem.
Peroxide might do it
My grandmother's recipe : take a shower before going to bed and put some lemon on your underarms...it should help

How to get rid of warts?

How can I get rid of a wart that is on my finger? I have heard to put clear nail polish on it for a week, does this work? And please, no answers that say cut it off or anything like that because I could never do that! But anyways, thanks.
I read once that you could get more warts if you are low in Vitamin E and that you could try taking vitamin E by mouth and rub the oil on the wart. Also rubbing castor oil on warts I read is good.Wartshttp://www.industryinet.com/~ruby/castor... (castor oil properties)
http://www.umm.edu/altmed/consconditions... (vitamin dosage recommendations for warts)
http://www.health911.com/remedies/rem_wa... (list of folk remedies for warts)
there is many ways but the newset and one of the fastest ways is to freeze it off OTC.i do not remmmber the name of the product but u can find it at any drug store fast effective,,,, my kid used it and it was gone the nest day. (last time i took him to the derm. and it took 3 treatments of freeze to help. good luck!
Put duct tape on your wart.
well my dad leroy told me that if ya take a string and wrap it around your wart and "measure" it, and then cut that string off right where it makes a circle 'round it, and then go bury it in the lowest spot you can find, within walking distanst under a full moon, that that would get rid of it.
i didn't take his advice, but I did get some wart remover- it was some kinda acid- and put it on it- it didn't hurt or nuthin, jes foller the directions and it would soon get the heck off ya. ( well actually I drowned that puppy with it and periced it with the lil' applicator until it turned a funny color, and peeled it off. It never came back , so it worked- that there wart was in the durndest of places- on my right knee, when i was jes 16 years young. i could nt kneel until i got rid o it.
I had to have mine froze off, but since then have heard that breaking a capsule of Vitamin E and squeezing the liquid on the wart works.
Use some tea tree oil, you can buy it at a health store.Put a bandage over the wart .

How to get rid of warts?

my mom says she'll take me to the doctors to get thw wart off, so i was wondering - step by step - how to get them off
They slice the top off then freeze it to kill the root...
i had a horrible one on my foot.. went to the doctor and 2 treatments.. it did nothing.. I got mad and annoyed.. so i went to walmart.. and bought this stuff.. that burned really bad.. but the wart came off.. in a couple days..
They cut them off. Why don't you just cover it up with some duck tape for a couple of days? This has helped for me in the past.

How to get rid of Stretch Marks on my legs..?

im 16 and nvr had a babY!!umm im not heavy ..about 125 but i have tons of stretch marks on my legs and i hate them ive tired coco butter but it didn't really work..any other tips?please!
Sweetheart run, don't walk to your closest GNC! I was born with stretch marks.You do NOT have to have a baby to get them. Your problem is your boobs and hips,and legs grew up.I had really nasty purple ones and looked like I had been attacked by an animal !! :( Look- Tell your parents how it affects your self esteem with HUGE tears because the product at GNC is called Strivectin but it costs $135. I used it and it works.In two weeks you'll notice the difference if you follow the directions RELIGIOUSLY!The stuff seems to stop but then keeps working and results are permanent.Hang in:)
some laser correction is available, but it never eliminates them completely.. get some stuff for scars. it is sold at pharmacies (Mederma)http://www.google.com/search?hl=en%26amp;q=str...
I have used a supplement that rebuilds connective tissue. It has reduced the appearance of stretch marks, scars, wrinkles, etc. (I'm older than you! LOL!! :-) It's patented, and is all natural. let me know if you want more info.
It is almost impossible to get rid of stretch marks without some form of plastic surgery or laser surgery.
i mean they really just goin to be there becuase your body is growin but i wouldnt worry about it becuase most girls have stretch marks

How to get rid of small puss bumbs on the inside of pinky finger?

I had 3 small bumps on the inside of my pinky finger. When I poked them with a needle clear to yellow puss would come out. I started with 3 small bumbs and now it has spread and covers nearly the entire inside of the finger, which my be a result of my constant poking and squeezing..? My finger looks red and seems swollen from puss underneth the surface.Do I stop poking? Keep it dry? Keep it moist? What do I do?Thanks for any help.
First off clean your hands. With warm sterile water (boil it and let cool) and clean it- put on peroxide and some antibiotic ointment (neosporin) and call your MD.A bacterial infection is nothing to mess around with especially when the CDC has a big warning about staph (flesh eating)
situations. (I am sure this is not that) but be careful and let a MD help you (not advice here)

How To Get Rid Of Rashes?

I Have A Bad Day Today, I Got an Awful Rashes. All over My Bodies.my legs are the worst. How To Get Rid of it?
there are different types of rashes indicating different conditions can you elaborate or post a picture? could be anything from hives, bug bites. yellow spotted fever, ya its endless

How to get rid of purple scars from face?

I used to have alot of acne, now its alll gone, but now there are purple scars on my cheeks, its been there for over a year.
how do I get rid of them?
While the scars will fade over the years, the only way to see if the effects of the scarring can be minimized is to see a dermatologist. There is nothing over-the-counter that will do the job. Please make an appointment soon. Good luck!
There is a laser treatment to remove acne scars that works wonders permanently. However, before having this permanent laser treatment, you should wait until you outgrow your acne, or you are wasting your money.

How to get rid of pimples?

If washing your face and using topical medications on your pimples don't work for you, read what I'm about to type:Keep track on what you eat every day. If your acnes are caused by the food you eat, the acnes usually pop out 3 or 2 days after you consume the food. In my case, REFINED SUGAR was the only cause that aggravated my skin condition.
For some people, stress causes acnes to come out. although for the rest of the people, stress causes them to consume more sugary stuff (i.e. Pepsi, Kern's Guava juice, cinnabon, candies, SOBE, starbucks coffee, energy drink, etc.) that eventually leads to their breakouts.
Now, the acnes that are caused by these sugary stuff are usually not superficial, but deeper in the skin.
Also, try avoiding dairy products, too.
rubbing alcohol the burn means its working
Dermatoligist..ProActive.Try a healthy diet..Proper hygean.Water
Don't wear make up and use a antibactieral face wash and body wash, also shrink your pores with a toner.
drink plenty of water. Wash face with a mild soap twice a day follow up with toner and moisturizer (may need to adjust for your personal skin). Don't touch your face / pick at your pimples. Don't eat too much greasy food either.
Go to a dermatologist. Acne can come from a variety of sources. You need to know what the cause is before you can effectively treat it. In some cases you may have an underlying staph infection that needs antibiotics. Or it could be hormones, pore clogging hair products, poor diet or any number of things. Things like alcohol, over-cleaning, and chemicals will probably just irritate your skin, dry it out and make it worse. You also need to avoid the urge to pick anything.Don't let any doctor prescribe Accutane. That stuff is dangerous and shouldn't be on the market.
Learn about effective treatment for acne and scarring.
wash your face twice a day with a cleanser. I suggest neutrogena. Then use an acne medicated face cream. Also, make sure that you drink a lot of water. Try looking into proactive as well. All of this stuff works for me and I used to have really bad acne.
An excellent remedy for pimples or acne-prone skin can be made by mixing 1 teaspoon ground cloves with 2 tablespoons fullers earth and ice water. When you wash your face, use sugar to scrub it, at least once a day, for two weeks to rid yourself of acne. Check out http://useinfo-acne.blogspot.com/... for more useful info.

How to get rid of pimples quick?

Make sure to wash your face with a mild cleanser, morning and night. Apply cucumber slices to your face as a toner --it will help you're pimples and blackheads. Ifyou want more remedies for acne, check out the site below.
well u might think everyone is gonna say proactiv.but what u dont know is that it actually works! the other day i had a huge pimple...and i put a little dab and by the morning it was all gone! i really do recomend it!
Acne and pimples is one of the most distressing and depressing problems faced mostly by youngsters. Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day. Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on pimples. Check out http://useinfo-acne.blogspot.com/... for more useful info.

How to get rid of oily face?

I'm 14 turning 15 and i have oily face and i can't help it, sometimes when i'm at school when it turns at 10 am my face starting to get oily..
its getting very oily, and it irritates me..
A lot of it has to do with your diet..if you're eating greasy food all the time your face will show it. Cut out the fried foods!
wash with soap and/or use alcohol
by washing it with sope
The best skin care routine for an oily skin includes regular cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting the skin with cosmetics meant for oily skin. Search the net for the products and compare and shop for the best products and supplements meant for oily skin. You can compare the prices and product efficiency while sitting in the privacy of your home. This gives you an effective treatment for oily skin at a reasonable cost.
i found the best thing to use was a cream containing benzoyl peroxide (Panoxyl, Proactiv etc.) this dries out your skin a bit and is also very effective against preventing pimples.
1. Sleep early. lack of sleep makes your skin tired and letting it oil.2. Eat a well balanced diet. Dont eat too much oily food and junk food. Eat more vegetables and fruits.3. Drink lots of water. about six to eight glasses a day to moisture your skin.4. Wash your skin 2 times a day with a clean and clear cleanser. find the kind which is written "for oily skin". 5. Exercise. sweating is also good for the skin since it lets the stress out of the skin and making it relax more.6. Also use benzoyl peroxide if u want. It not only helps reduce pimples, but also makes skin finer and smoother.7. wash your hands before touching the face. 8. Massage your face daily for 3 to five minutes.. then let it rest for about 10 minutes. rinse well.

How to get rid of my burning nostrils?

sounds terrible, but put some milk on your finger and rub a little on the spot that's burning, inside your nose,
throw some milk on it
a little vaseline smeared on them should help.
OUCH! I once cut up so many hot peppers and didn't notice my rubber glove ripped that later that day the palm of my hand was on fire. NOTHING helped I can't imagine how badly hot peppers in the nose feel.

How to get rid of my bloody noses?

I always wake up with a bloody nose..I have a humidifier and it just doesn't seem to be cutting it.. what can i do to make this go away?
That b/c you have a dry nasal passage use a moistener(Rx kind)see your doctor and the bloody nose should stopMy lil boy suffers from that...
Go to the doctors and get a prescription for a nose spray. (May not need prescription though, I cant remember)... theres a spray called Flonase. Works well. I used it when I would bleed like almost everyday.
Have the Dr. cauterize the vein in your nose that is bleeding. It doesn't hurt. Even little children have it done.

How to get rid of hickies?

my boyfriend gave me a hickie and he doesnt go to school at all and im going to prom with someone else and hes letting me go. how do i get rid of them before tomarrow. i heard that if you freeze toothpaste on a spoon it will start fading away, is that true at all?
Nope nothing gets rid of them if it is very bad and swollen an ice pack will reduce the swelling but your best bet is to get a friend over to cover it with makeup it sounds scary but if you are careful it works. Start with a green toned concealer it has to be green that gets rid of the red then dust lightly with translucent powder. Apply a skin toned concealer blend well around the edges and dust with powder. It should cover and I would not have an up-do for prom sorry it still might be a bit noticeable under the right lights. You may need to buy special concealer for this my neck was always lighter than my face. Is so very important to blend well. Good luck
LOLOLGuess what?? You are going to the prom with a hickey because there is no way it will be gone by tomorrow. Go to the store and buy some concealer. That's all you can do--cover it up.
makeup, just get some concealer
with a chapstick cap rub it on your hikie. it sounds wierd but trust me it works all the time? LOL good luck. Hey by the way what school do you go to? Have fun in prom
this may help you...
use a pocket comb and "comb the hickie" it will take several strokes and press as firmly as u can stand it.
It will disperse the collection of blood that causes the purplish black spot, u will have a small mark there but without all the color. the concealor will cover that much...
ok since a hickey is broken blood vessels you cant really make them go away. you can however put a cold pack on it and keep it from getting worse but your best bet is to cover it with a green tinted concealer (the green cancels the red) and put some powder over it. just make sure it matches your skin tone!

How to get rid of dry elbows?

It's so gross! I thought they were dirty. I scrub them in the shower but it won't go away. Someone told me it's dry skin, I put lotion on and they still look gross. Please, someone tell me how to get the dryness away
My grandmother SWEARS this works... and this is a serious answer, stupid though it sounds :-)Take an orange and cut it in half... put one half on your elbow like you are going to "juice" it and scrub it in good. Repeat on the other elbow.The ascorbic acid in the orange will make the dead and dry skin slough off...
use aquafore?
use cocoa butter. I'm sure any lotion would work, but cocoa butter works really quick.
cut your arms off
First you must exfoliate in the shower. The skin of the elbow is thick. Get a loofah and scrub vigorously with some moisturing body wash. Then do the half-lemon trick to remove any darkening or discoloration. Then moisturize with lotion that has alpha or beta hydroxy acid, you can buy it OTC. It's a chemical exfoliator. After that get some thick moisturizing cream like neutrogena or similar. Do this about 3 times a week.
Make a home made sea salt scrub with kosher salt and olive oil and rub it daily -
Use pure and natural products from now on.I like the idea of an orange or lemon on the tips.
Buy a lufa too and keep it handy.
I had the same problem. My elbows were so dry they would snag my shirts. I finally found something that works. First I used a body scrub on them to remove the dead skin cells and applied Emushea right out of the shower. Its a great cream that healed my elbows and dry cracked feet in a few days. The only place i've found it is www.emushea.megamarketingmall.
Plus, its all natural and has no chemical that you could break out from.

How to get rid of dark cirlces?

You can't really get rid of dark circles. The skin around your eyes is simply thinner and allows the vessels to show some color. The best way to minimize dark circles is to stay well rested, drink lots of water and not to rub your eyes or around your eyes.
1) Vitiamin E (take some) and water
2) Be absent of exhaustion, stress and allergies (good luck)
3) Use concealer/make up
4) Use a moisturizer with sun screen in it, every day
You can help get rid of them - I use a product with natural things like mulberry extract and licorice and notice it helps a lot - Also besides rest and water check to be sure you aren't low on Iron - you may get more with red meat or green leafy veggies or simply take a multivitamin with iron.Sometimes it is stress, fatigue or genetics or perhaps the iron or a sinus infection -
Be healthy, get plenty of sleep, exercise, water, vitamins, and destress by doing yoga or something similar.If all else fails, concealer will fix that right up immediately.

How to get rid of circles under eyes?

ive had them for a really long time and i cant seem to get rid of them. i sleep well at night so i dont know what the problem is. Help?
wow, this is the first time i've heard a guy say this.
but get 8 hours of sleep, drink water, buy eye creme, or buy concealer, avoid computer and t.v. too much.
Use a kind of makeup called concealer, one shade lighter than your natural skin tone, and apply it on your lower eyelids. It really does wonders to make you look more awake. It doesn't matter if you're a guy.. nobody ever has to know!
Drink more water. Dark circles under the eyes can be a sign of kidney trouble. Make sure you drink two litres of water a day, never iced.
taking chlorophyll and blue-green algae supplements works for me

How to get rid of canker sore other than salt water?

Canker sores have been a pain in my family for the longest time. I get them once in while specially if someone talks about them lol (I will expect one after this question) there haven't been a medicine that heals it however there's one that just came out and it doesn't it heal it right away but it makes it heal faster than on it's own which is about a week or more. Aphthasol is a prescription medication that makes it go away within two days and it makes it hurt much less. You should try out. Ask your doctor to prescribe it over the phone.
dab a bit of antibiotic cream on them
It's painfull as heck, but dap a little bit of alcohol on it with a q-tip before going to bed, and don't dab off the excess. It should be totally dried out by morning, and if not, go ahead and do it again the next day and it has to be by then.
They only last a few days, for the mean time dab a little oral gel on it, to take away pain, I also read that canker sores are not contagious
Herbal Mouth Rinses:Rinse the mouth with licorice root tea, diluted myrrh oil or aloe vera juice to soothe and heal the sore.Use horsetail or echinacea tincture (20 drops diluted in 1/4 cup water), sage, lavender or camomile tea to rinse the mouth every two hours.Place 1 tsp. fenugreek seeds in 1 cup cold water. After six hours, bring to a boil and strain immediately. When cooled to lukewarm, add 1 tsp. honey. Use to gargle and swallow a little.Oak, burdock root, rest-harrow, red clover, red raspberry and calendula are astringent and reduce inflammation. Make a strong tea with them and use it as a mouth wash.A three-week herbal cure: Mix 3 parts nettle, 1 part sage, and 3 parts chicory. Soak 3 tbsp. of the mix in 1 qt. cold water overnight. Next morning bring to a boil, steep for five minutes, strain. Drink 1 cup three times daily.
Homeopathic remedies can ease the pain of canker sores, reduce inflammation, and help the tissues heal.Arsenicum album: A person who breaks out in burning, painful mouth sores, and also feels anxious and tired, is likely to benefit from this remedy. Hot drinks often ease the pain, and the person feels best when keeping warm. They often have unhealthy, easily-bleeding gums, and tend to be extremely neat and tense. Arsenicum album is recommended when the mouth is dry and burning, and the ulcers are soothed by warm water. Restlessness and anxiety are felt. Often caused by stress and worry. Borax: This remedy is often helpful when canker sores feel hot and sensitive. Sores may break out on the inside of the cheeks, on the gums, and on the tongue. Produces profuse saliva, yet still feels dry inside the mouth. Other indications are: sensitive to noise, suffers from motion sickness, bleeding ulcers when touched, and hot and tender mouth.Calcarea carbonica: This remedy is often indicated for infants and small children who suffer from recurrent canker sores. Other indications are: head-sweats during sleep, and slow to teethe or learn to walk. May also canker sores in adults who are chilly, stout, and easily fatigued.Hepar sulphuris calcareum: This remedy may be indicated when a person develops painful mouth sores that become infected-with pus formation, extreme sensitivity, and aggravation from cold drinks. Often feels extremely chilly, vulnerable, and oversensitive.Mercurius solubilis: This remedy is useful when bleeding gums, a swollen coated tongue, and offensive breath are seen along with canker sores. The sores feel worse at night, and salivation is profuse, with drooling during sleep. The person tends to sweat at night and is very sensitive to any change in temperature.Natrum muriaticum: Pearly sores that erupt inside the mouth, especially on the gums or tongue, may respond to this remedy. The mouth feels dry, and the tongue may have a tingling feeling. Often troubled by cold sores around the corners of the mouth or chin, and have chapped or cracking lips. A craving for salt, strong thirst, and a tendency to feel worse from being in the sun are other indications for Natrum muriaticum.Nux vomica: A person who needs this remedy may break out in canker sores after overindulging in sweets, strong spicy foods, stimulants, or alcoholic beverages. The person may have swollen gums, a coated tongue, and bloody salivation. Irritability, impatience, and a general chilliness are often seen.Sulphur: For sores that are painful, red and inflamed, with burning pain that is worse from warm drinks and aggravated by heat of any kind. The mouth may have a bitter taste; the gums can be swollen and throbbing. Reddish lips and mucous membranes, and a tendency toward itching and skin irritations are other indications.Dosage: Follow the label directions. Take one dose and wait for a response. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the remedy work. The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual.Foods to Eat
Eat foods that are easy to digest
Do a one- to three-day carrot-juice fast.
Wheatgrass juice or liquid chlorophyll; drink two ounces three times a day
Soft grains, well cooked
Lightly cooked vegetablesFoods to Avoid
Dairy products
Oily foods
Sweets such as cakes, candies, and raw fruit
Salty foods
Animal protein

How to get rid of bad really,really bad acne?

My friend has really bad acne on her jawline and nose but mostly on her jawline.I was wondering if there are any home made products to get rid of her ance because her mom won't buy her any good ance products. maybe some a face cleaning product. Maybe tips on how to take care of her face and how to prevent this.Any thing else you think she needs to know on skin care.Thanks:)
Tell her to wash her face daily with an antibacterial soap, unscented. (Like dial). Also, if her face is really oily, she could use alcohol or witch hazel on the areas that are oily. And tell her to remember to moisturize daily. Even oily skin needs to be moisturized. Note: dont do any of these things too often! It will make acne worse! I usually do them in the morning and before i go to bed. Also, tell her to use a waterbased foundation if she wears makeup.
drinki much water,
put water on her face very often and don't weep it. let it dry on her face.
and as little scraping as it's possible. believe me it's the worst
they're good solutions. i had a bad acne too and i know
Here's a home-made tip someone once told me about...use toothpaste on the acne, it will dry it out, and help clear it up. +Toothpaste is cheaper than the other stuff+Hope this helps, TC; )
Your health care provider can help with an appropriate antibiotic. For Gals birth control pills work wonders.
Facial turmeric powder (kasthuri manual) 鈥?1 spoon, honey 鈥?陆 spoon, few drops of olive oil, curd 鈥?陆 spoon, table salt 鈥?录 spoon. Mix these items to make a paste and apply on your face. More home remedies available at http://www.wellnesstalk.org/acne.html...

How to get rid of bacne?

i have terrible bacne (acne on ur back). i just need some tips on getting rid of it with something i have acces to. It's seems weird but every since i had spine surgery i have had bad bacne, and i think it's because i couldn't wash my back for months. I know it's gross, but i need help before swimsuit season!
Use a poof with an extension handle. I buy those, and they work great for cleaning your back.
there is a body wash from oxy that is amazing! it works really well! you can get it at almost every drugstore or wal-mart etc.
If you don't want to use prescription medicine, I suggest using a loofah %26 a good brand exfoliator, like Clearasil or Neutrogena.
It's hard to get rid of back acne without a prescription like doxycycline or minocycline or something similar. You could try putting benzoyl peroxide 10% on your back every day and night. Just be careful because it will bleach clothes, towels, etc.

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