Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to get rid of hickies?

my boyfriend gave me a hickie and he doesnt go to school at all and im going to prom with someone else and hes letting me go. how do i get rid of them before tomarrow. i heard that if you freeze toothpaste on a spoon it will start fading away, is that true at all?
Nope nothing gets rid of them if it is very bad and swollen an ice pack will reduce the swelling but your best bet is to get a friend over to cover it with makeup it sounds scary but if you are careful it works. Start with a green toned concealer it has to be green that gets rid of the red then dust lightly with translucent powder. Apply a skin toned concealer blend well around the edges and dust with powder. It should cover and I would not have an up-do for prom sorry it still might be a bit noticeable under the right lights. You may need to buy special concealer for this my neck was always lighter than my face. Is so very important to blend well. Good luck
LOLOLGuess what?? You are going to the prom with a hickey because there is no way it will be gone by tomorrow. Go to the store and buy some concealer. That's all you can do--cover it up.
makeup, just get some concealer
with a chapstick cap rub it on your hikie. it sounds wierd but trust me it works all the time? LOL good luck. Hey by the way what school do you go to? Have fun in prom
this may help you...
use a pocket comb and "comb the hickie" it will take several strokes and press as firmly as u can stand it.
It will disperse the collection of blood that causes the purplish black spot, u will have a small mark there but without all the color. the concealor will cover that much...
ok since a hickey is broken blood vessels you cant really make them go away. you can however put a cold pack on it and keep it from getting worse but your best bet is to cover it with a green tinted concealer (the green cancels the red) and put some powder over it. just make sure it matches your skin tone!

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