Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to have a clear face?

What are some tips to have a clear face with no acne? Also, is there any way to remove moles from the face without scars?
You could have laser done (It shouldn't scar) Use pure and natural products to keep on top of your face.Wash, toner, and an spf cream
repeat at night with a night cream (wash, toner etc)Bi weekly exfoliating on a clean face
and once a week a mask on a clean face -Use pure and natural products. I suggest Arbonne however if it is to $ - stick to something like Burts bee or nutragena
Use cleanser instead of soap because cleanser is mild. Soap strips your skin of moisture, causing aging. This can aggravate the sun damage. Cleanser will clean your skin properly and make you feel fresh. One of the best cleansers specially recommended by skin experts is Cetaphil.These ingredients refreshes your skin, changes the pH level of your skin to prevent the growth of bacteria and acne and clears away the dead and damaged skin. Alpha-hydroxy (glycolic acid) and Beta-hydroxy (salicylic acid) work effectively on the oily skin. TCA is moderately strong acid and is ideal for skin care.
Use the Cream more information http://www.skincarefairy.com
Proper skin care, a healthy diet, and moderate exercise will almost always clear up any face. A proper skin care regimen would include a facial cleanser, toner, moisturizer, eye cream and treatment if necessary. This is to be repeated morning and night. I am a certified beauty advisor and would love to answer your questions on a more detailed, personal basis. Try Avon skin care products. It's all I use. They are backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee which is awesome!The only way you should try removing moles is by professional laser treatments.

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