Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to get rid of pimples?

If washing your face and using topical medications on your pimples don't work for you, read what I'm about to type:Keep track on what you eat every day. If your acnes are caused by the food you eat, the acnes usually pop out 3 or 2 days after you consume the food. In my case, REFINED SUGAR was the only cause that aggravated my skin condition.
For some people, stress causes acnes to come out. although for the rest of the people, stress causes them to consume more sugary stuff (i.e. Pepsi, Kern's Guava juice, cinnabon, candies, SOBE, starbucks coffee, energy drink, etc.) that eventually leads to their breakouts.
Now, the acnes that are caused by these sugary stuff are usually not superficial, but deeper in the skin.
Also, try avoiding dairy products, too.
rubbing alcohol the burn means its working
Dermatoligist..ProActive.Try a healthy diet..Proper hygean.Water
Don't wear make up and use a antibactieral face wash and body wash, also shrink your pores with a toner.
drink plenty of water. Wash face with a mild soap twice a day follow up with toner and moisturizer (may need to adjust for your personal skin). Don't touch your face / pick at your pimples. Don't eat too much greasy food either.
Go to a dermatologist. Acne can come from a variety of sources. You need to know what the cause is before you can effectively treat it. In some cases you may have an underlying staph infection that needs antibiotics. Or it could be hormones, pore clogging hair products, poor diet or any number of things. Things like alcohol, over-cleaning, and chemicals will probably just irritate your skin, dry it out and make it worse. You also need to avoid the urge to pick anything.Don't let any doctor prescribe Accutane. That stuff is dangerous and shouldn't be on the market.
Learn about effective treatment for acne and scarring.
wash your face twice a day with a cleanser. I suggest neutrogena. Then use an acne medicated face cream. Also, make sure that you drink a lot of water. Try looking into proactive as well. All of this stuff works for me and I used to have really bad acne.
An excellent remedy for pimples or acne-prone skin can be made by mixing 1 teaspoon ground cloves with 2 tablespoons fullers earth and ice water. When you wash your face, use sugar to scrub it, at least once a day, for two weeks to rid yourself of acne. Check out http://useinfo-acne.blogspot.com/... for more useful info.

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