We went to the emergency room when my daughter was running 104.9 and what did they have us do. Walk her around outside in her diaper in the cool air of all things. We walked and walked for over 2 hours and it finally came down and we were able to get her in to see the doctor. Gee I could have saved that $50 and stayed at home and did that. A fever is your bodies way of fighting off the virus or illness. A nice tepid bath- not cold because that can cause a child to go into shock, strip down to cool down, maybe a cool fan nearby, a cool cloth to the head and neck, cool water if they can handle drinking anything. Tylenol will help them to feel at ease. Feavers have to run their course. If it gets any higher or doesn't come down get to the doctor.
get them to an ER!
Take the child to the ER ...IMMEDIATELY.You are risking seizure at this point.No time to waste.Hurry.~M~
Go to ER but on the way there make sure the child only has one thin layer of clothing on, no blankets.Calpol suspension (paracetamol), the stated dose for the age of the child, never more.
Take them to the ER. Now if they have a fever of 101/102 you can sponge them with rubbing alcohol, keeping their body covered where you are not sponging because you don't want them to chill. My son ran 103 a lot when he was tiny because of ear infections and we lived an hour and a half from an ER so this is what I did and of course I kept fever reducer on hand. Young children automatically run higher fevers than grown ups do and it doesn't hurt them, normally. If you can give a Tylenol and it brings the fever down, even temporarily, you shouldn't be too shook up. Also, you can always call the ER and talk to a nurse and they will tell you what to do. I've done that several times and it got me through it.
W hy do you have to ask a question like tat?, which is so
Why are you still waiting?, take child to ER, before something really serious happens to him..
Get a book that will help you know what to do in case of emergencies like this one, also use logic. good luck.
my son gets high fever that result in seizures. I was told to give him a dose of motrin or advil and a cool bath to try to lower the temp. Also feeding ice chips or popcycles to cool the body and rehydrate. Then go to the ER because the fever has a reason that needs to be treated. Take a few wet wash cloths in a zip lock bag and continue wiping the childs body with them. Remove as many clothes as possible and cover with a thin sheet only DO NOT USE ALCOHOL AS THIS CAN LOWER THE TEMP TOO FAST AND CAUSE A SEIZURE AND IT ALSO DEHYDRATES THE BODY.,
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