Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to get rid of all physical feeling and pain?

My mom has pain all over her body and, no one knows why it's happening. Is their any way (like some sort of injection) where it can just take away all feeling and pain in her body. Like killing the nerves. She says even if she can't walk after it, she doesn't care as long as she doesn't feel any pain after it? Also do you know any clinics that do that sort of thing in Wisconsin or Illinois or even anywhere in the states would be nice. Any help would be much appriciated. Thank you.
Sorry, but general anesthesia or finding and curing the source of her pain seems like the only options. I've had morphine before for serious injury and another time for serious illness ... that was exceptionally good at dealing with the pain - the pain was reduced, but mostly it was that I didn't care about the pain anymore. However, it is highly addictive physically and psychologically. It's not really a treatment for chronic pain.Has she gone to some doctors? If her general practioner or gynecologist can't figure out what it is, try visiting a neurologist and rhuemetologist. My guess is that either of these competent professionals may be able to find the source of her pain.
You can't actually there is a disease that causes this no non-addicting drug can do that! That's why we have painkillers and anesthesiologist! But she may feel better after received bee stings and acupuncture! I know they sound weird but they actually work!
your mother needs to get to the source of the pain. Pain is an indicater that something is going on inside of the body... there is a reason why. she needs to keep going to the dr,'s to find out excatly what's going on then the pain management can be addressed.
Have the doctors tried giving her morphine?
maybe she has arthirtis or lupus?
Is she depressed? The reason I ask is because pain comes as physical, emotional and psychological. However emotional and psychological pain we tend to equate as physical pain only. The way to find out, what does your Mum 'like' to do? Perhaps she like to watch TV, or do some work in the garden? Find out what she likes, take her and make sure she gets involved in what she likes, enjoys and then see if she 'mentions' pain? If for example she enjoys watching a certain TV program, or Film and during the time she is watching, occupied with the program or film she does not mention pain, then chances are it is not a physical pain.

How to get rid of acne scars?

I'm still a teen ager people and i have bad acne scars. I have oily skin and i only use irish spring soap to clean my face but, it looks like it doesnt work. Is it okay to use that? Is it also okay if i change the soap that i'm currently using to nivea body lotion? It's a moisturizing lotion with vitamin e on it. So, it it okay to use nivea and stop using irish spring soap? Or do you have any other products that will get rid of my acne scars for good. I would really appreciate if someone could help me with this problem of mine. : )
When u find out let me know
Stop using Irish Spring on your face!! Never use deodorant or any body soaps on your face. That might be one reason why you are getting acne; your skin is getting irritated by the harsh soaps. You need to use a mild facial cleanser like Clean and Clear, Clearasil, Aveeno, or Cetaphil. Also stay away from lotions that contain oils. Use the moisturizers in those same brands I listed. I would also recommend using Velocity products by Mary Kay (that's what I use for my oily skin) but you probably wouldn't wanna use those since you're a guy. Try using Retin-A to get rid of the scars.
Aloe, from the actual plant. Split the leaf and take out the goopy liquid and put it on the scars.Irish spring is not good to use on your face. It messes up the ph balance of your skin, which could cause the acne. If you are going to use bar soap, use Dove. Otherwise, use something like Proactive in a bottle. Nivea is more of a body soap and moisturizer, their facial stuff tends to be a little greasy, stay away from that with oily skin.
disclaimer "I am not a doctor and cannot diagnose" - For acne that is persistant you need to see your doctor and/or dermatologist. For permanent scars you may ask your parents to research some local laser cosmetic clinics that have procedures that can minimize or remove scars completely. In general, wash w/ a mild soap in the morning and at night. Consider a toner. Use a water based lotion. And most importantly..otherwise don't touch your face. The dirt and oil on your hands can contribute to the problem. Also drink plenty of water, reduce sugar in your diet and get plenty of sleep. doctor can help diagnose the cause, and help you with a plan of care so you can improve the look of your skin. Also keep in mind...being a teenager is a tough time, some kids get a lot of acne, some none.but almost everyone grows out of it and/or significantly improves in young adulthood. See the doctor face to face, it's your best start. Good luck and keep your chin up.
i think you should probably invest in an actual face cleanser, look for something that contains a lot of salicylic acid and/or Benzoyl peroxide. i hear that clinique has worked on many people or proactive. it wouldnt hurt to give those a try. i think neutrogena makes a mask that you put on your face for about 15 minutes to help heal acne scars. drinking a lot of water helps to clear pores also. good luck =]
Well I use Cetaphil soap on my face and no lotion! I have oily and dry skin sometimes so i dont use lotion not even oil free cuz it clog my skin! i like my skin to breathe.! Dont use a towel to dry your face either! Just let air dry. Everytime you rub your face it triggers the oil pores in your face causing more oil to be distrbutued. Thats the whole purpose of oil BLOTTING sheets some ppl use, blotting your face is better than rubbing it. Try to wash your face morning and before bed. You should changed your pillow cases frequently, dirt builds up on your pillow case every night which you have to sleep on. Another factor could be that you're using deodorant soap, try to use soaps that say Dermatologist test which means it sepcifically for face. Stay away from body soaps on your face. Also maybe its your diet, if you change your diet your face could clear up. Try going on a fast! I heard it helps detoxifies your body and it clears skin too. But read more information on it and do alot of research before you try it. Good Luck :)
Their are several things you can do Irish spring is not the answer. First you can go to the health store and as for tea soap. Use this it is good for your face and for your whole body. Don't use stuff with alcohol or harsh chemicals it sounds like you have sensitive skin.
The juice of basil or tulsi leaves heals the skin and acne scars. More home remedies available at

How to get rid of acne scars?

My zits have already been popped, and now there are just acne scars. I hate them and I want to know how to get rid of tem AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I seem to feel less confident when I have acne because normally my skin is always clear! It is kinda red and when I put concealer over it, it looks kind of dark and purplish. It's really disturbing.. Is there any way I could get them to disappear fast? Like sometime this week? If not, what is something I could use, and where could I purchase it? Any help will be GREATLY appreciated!!
In the summer time I get a dark tan on my top lip that looks like I have a moustache. Very embarrassing to say the least. However, there is help. I buy a cream from the drugstore that bleaches the discolouration. I know there are several brands available and it is cheaper and safer then taking drastic measures. As the pharmacist, most products only take up to one to two weeks to lighten the colour to the point it is unnoticeable. The products are also used to reduce the colour of age spots.
The only way is to go to a dermatologist and get peels or dermabrasion. You may want to control all of your breakouts first. I hear Proactive works great.
u need the best of cream more information about acne Please see the web pages for more details and images on Acne
i can totally relate to you most of my acne on my back is gone but there r scars. im goin to a derm next week thank God! my old derm was an idiot and said i should use accutane .for scars? i was like hell no! but proactive is a ripoff it sucks and doesnt work at all. miscro dermabrasion is what ill probly do and i got some stuff like a peel thing at the store but is smells terrible lol. good luck.
There are several method to get rid of acne scars :** Home remedy :
-- All The Secrets About Home Treatment For Acne Scars, the link :
-- Home Remedy to Get Rid of Acne Scars, the link :** Chemical :
-- Skin peel, the link :
-- Acne Scarring When Prevention Is Too Late, the link : this helps.
The juice of basil or tulsi leaves heals the skin and acne scars. More home remedies available at

How to get rid of acne on arms?

i got some acne on my arms and i don't know if thats normal. i want to know a way i can get rid of them. i use clean and clear for my face and it works good i tried using it on my arms but it just doesn't seem to help there. and i use equate too. i don't know how to get rid of this kuz i can't even wear short sleeve tops when its bad like this. if you have any suggestions let me know, thank-you!:)
Clean and clear also makes a body wash try that out it works great on my back.

How to get rid of acne fast and keep it gone?

I have acne on my face, back, and arms and I really want it gone before my birthday which is in August. I was wondering if there is a quick way to get rid of it and keep it gone for good, I can't really afford anything like proactive though. Please help
Proactive didn't work for me. I went to a dermintologist and was prescribed two different antibiotics (I took one for two months and the other for over six months), and they didn't work for me, either. What HAS worked for me is drinking hot lemon water everyday. I didn't notice a difference for a couple of weeks, but suddenly my skin was clearer than it's been since I was 12 (and I'm 26 now!). Lemon water is also good for getting rid of any water you're retaining.The easiest way to do this is to buy that Minute Maid frozen lemon juice in the black and yellow box by the juice in the freezer section at the grocery store. Use one tablespoon of the juice in a mug of hot water.Lemon juice can also be used topically. For soap I'd recommend an antibacterial soap, but if it's too harsh for your skin, I'd go with Cetaphil.One word of caution: Don't brush your teeth for an hour after drinking the hot lemon water or you may scratch the enamel of your teeth.
Soap and water.
I don't know what to tell you, if you can't afford ProActiv. Go to a dermatologist. :)
I would suggest Dr. Kern's acne treatment method. He suggests using a gentle cleanser, 2.5% benzoyl peroxide cream, and oil-free moisturizer. He suggests products that are readily available at the drugstore as well as selling them from his own line. Here is his method: here are the products he recommends: have been using a similar method for years and it has worked for me.
ry the followin tips i found for u .do not use chemicals on skin. Follow these instructions and do let me know if they worked on your skin. i'm sure they will!
1. Put toothpaste on your pimple before you go to bed, should help reduce swelling overnight. Make sure it is the paste not the gel. One of the most popular acne home remedies.2. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the acne.3. Apply a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent acne, pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.4. Place strawberry leaves on the acne, the alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling.5. Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash the face with fresh water. About 15 days application helps cure acne, pimples and reduces blemishes and scars.6. Another method is to massage the face with the skin of lemon before washing with lukewarm water.7. Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of acne, pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, %26 other skin infections.8. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. At least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet. All acne home remedies should include a healthy diet.9. A couple of garlic cloves, crushed and dabbed on the face 1-2 times a day. One of the smellier acne home remedies!10. Home face wash for acne: Mix together 1 or 2mls each of the following: witch hazel, tea-tree and sweet fennel essential oils, adding essential oil of geranium for women and essential oil of rosewood for men. Mix with 300mls of water. Shake before use, as the oils will float on top of the water during storage. Dab affected areas with cotton wool two or three times a day. The oils will clean and unclog giving antibiotic-like protection to the skin.11. Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area overnight. Wash off with warm water next morning.12. Use 2-3 tsp. dried basil leaves to 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10-20 minutes. Cool, and apply with cotton ball.13. Grind orange peel with some water to a paste and apply on affected parts. One of the best acne home remedies.14. Clean face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2-3 times a day.15. Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon powder and apply on affected areas frequently.16. Nettle Tea is another solution, this tea has a herb that has some curing power and really helps work wonders on skin problems. Drink four cups a day to get the full benefit of one of the most powerful acne home remedies. Get nettle products here.17. Aloe Vera juice applied twice a day can greatly speed up the healing of acne lesions. You can buy Aloe Vera at vitacost.com18. Another lotion that uses bee propolis extract may also be effective. Mix eight ounces of water and 11 drops of bee propolis extract. One of the acne home remedies which has been proven effective with many people.19. Some herbal acne home remedies...
Burdock leaf tea.
Lavender essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)
Tincture of calendula flowers.
Tea tree essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)
Liquefy cabbage leaves with witch hazel, strain and add two drops of lemon oil. Use as a lotion.20. Ice down the acne before bed, by morning it should be noticeably less swollen. Works best on larger pimples that have not yet formed a head.21. Take vitamin B5 and zinc supplements daily to strengthen the skin's resistance to acne.22. Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and apply on affected area. Leave for 15-30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.23. Mix some vinegar and salt in a bowl. Pour a little bit in your hand and rub it on the pimples. Soak a face towel in it and dab it on the bumps. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off.24. Blend cucumber and make a paste. Apply this as a mask on your face and leave it for 1/2 hour and then rinse. This refreshes your skin and prevents acne.25. Mix corn flour with egg white and apply on your face. Let is dry completely for 1/2 hour. Dip your hands in warm water and massage your face and wash off. This when repeated regularly gives you a smooth skin.26. Mix sandalwood paste with rosewater and apply on the face. Rinse off after 30 minutes.27. Essential oil face mask for acne: Use a mask base powder, such as fuller's earth or kaolin powder. Use distilled or filtered water to make a paste. Mix 1 heaped teaspoon of base powder to 3 drops of essential oil. Add approximately 2 tablespoons of the water in, to make a fluid yet balanced paste. Essential oils to add in the mask either separately or try smaller amounts together; cypress oil 1 drop, lemon oil 2 drops, sage oil 1 drop.28. Mix the paste of tender neem leaves with turmeric and apply of affected area. An eastern approach to acne home remedies.29. Grind some nutmeg with milk and apply on affected area. Pimples disappear like magic without leaving a mark.30. Make a mixture of lime juice and rose water. Apply on face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.31. Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.32. Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.33. Mix 1 tsps groundnut oil with 1 tspn fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .34. Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on pimples. This is also good for blackheads and dark spots.35. First wash face and then dab acne with cotton balls soaked in vinegar.36. Mix groundnut oil with an equal amtount of fresh lime juice and apply on face. leave for 10-15 minutes and wash. It may be applied daily to prevent formation of blackheads, acne and pimples.37. Apply juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) on swelling acne, pimples.38. Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for acne, pimples, blackheads, and cracked skin.39. Apply ripe Tomatoes pulp on acne, pimples and kept upto 1 hour, then wash.40. Make a paste of roasted %26 powdered pomgranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over acne, boils, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads.41. Apply grated potatoes as poultice to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads , etc.42. Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to remove blackheads.43. Apply a paste of ground seasame seeds with water as poultice for inflammation of the skin due to allergies, skin rashes, and pimples.44. Large pores on facial skin can be treated with paste of sandalwood powder with masoor dal.45. Use an oatmeal or almond mask throughly to cleanse your face. Mix either oatmeal or almond powder with enough rose water to make a soft paste that spreads easily on the skin. Rub it on your skin with your fingertips, paying special attention the problem areas. Leave to dry for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. This is very good in getting rid of blackheads.46. A solution made out of one and a half cups of hot water and half a tablespoon of boric powder is an ideal remedy for blackheads, Saturate a face napkin in this hot solution and press on to the skin, repeat twice. Extract blackheads carefully with a blackhead remover and sterilized cottonwool. Pat on an astrigent.47. Honey is a great remedy for skin blemishes and acne because the honey kills bacteria.
These are some effective home remedies for the treatment of acne and blackheads.
This sounds weird, but the best way to treat acne is to put egg yolk on your face and leave it for about 15 minutes. Wash the egg off gently with warm water then wash your face with a gentle soap, like burt's bees. Then you ALWAYS need to go over your face with an ice cube. This will close your pores so they wont clog. Then you use a mosterizer, burt's bees is the best brand. You can do this everyday till the acne goes away then about twice a week. Even when you don't use an egg, make sure to go over your face with an ice cube everytime you wash it or get out of a hot shower.

How to get rid of a stomach flu??

I feel so sick as it is im pregnant and now with a stomach flu. What can i do to feel better I feel just light headed and stomach if upset with chills what should i do?? What can I take since I m pregnant??
The best thing you can do is to drink a lot of water and rest a lot. Your body needs the strength to fight off the virus (hence the rest) and wash it out of your system (hence the water). There is nothing you need to take.
There is not much you can do for the stomach flu except to drink lots of liquids and get lots of rest. You need to just let it run it's course.
Don't take anything. Drink gatorade, cause you need electrolytes and sugar, eat some saltine crakers. This will have something in your stomach. If it is a stomach flu it should be gone in 24 hours. If not you might have food poisining, you might need to see a doctor.
Go to the website There is a product there called Stomach Soothing Complex. My Doctor recommended it when I was pregnant. It is totally safe and contains only natural ingredients. You can order online. It helps soothe the nausea. You might also want to try the Optiflora - it's a two part system that you take at night that helps with any digestive, stomach problems. Great for acid reflux too. Let me know how you make out
eat a lot of plain yogurt
You may possibly have viral gastroenteritis. Drinking adequate water each day doesn't "wash the virus" out of your system. (LOL!) It replaces fluids lost to diarrhea. Besides, most viruses are self-limiting -- they run their course while you treat the symptoms.You can look into the Shaklee product, Stomach Soothing Complex, that was mentioned and run it past your OB/Gyn. Get the ingredients so you can tell your doctor. Otherwise, take your OB/Gyn's advice and no one else's.

How to get rid of a scratch quickly?

I walked into a tree branch =|
lol ya. Anyways, uhhm so its between my eye and eyebrow (on my brow bone)God bless coverup.
but any natural tips to get the scratch to heal faster?
Thaaaanks =)
It sounds simple, but pick up some neosporin or other skin repair cream at your local drug store. Follow directions carefully. It will help the skin repair itself better with less chance of infection, redness, or scarring.
Use an ointment. Or, leave it alone.

How to get rid of a pimple in less than a day?

HELP! How do I get rid of this thing in less than a day?
I don't think it can be done.
its impossible bt people say white toothpaste no gel an noke blue and red lines in it. if you have like 2 days get oxy10
Use baking soda paste made with baking soda and water. Allow the paste to dry over the pimple. leave on overnight and wash your face in the morning.
Hi, I'm not certain on what types of over the counter products work, however I heard using cucumber slices will help with blemishes. Visit and click on the acne link to the left.
Use a lancet (small needle) open it up.spread the skin around it apart on all sides...then push underneath the pimple and get as much out as possible. Then exfoliate and mask with sulfur preferably. Home remedies use toothpaste or baking soda and water mixture.
I don't think it is possible, what you can do is cover them with heavy make up.
Very tricky - a strong pimple gel (dermologica or clinique is the best but both are pricey) can help, but usually over a couple of days - I have also heard that haemorrhoid (piles) cream is very effective at reducing the swelling caused by spots - then it would be less noticeable, and you could cover the rest with concealer.
Get 1% hydrocortisone cream from any drugstore and apply it all day, several times. It's about $3 and your pimple should be significantly reduced by tomorrow.
A little alcohol right on the pimple w/ an Q tip (not all over the face) followed by a mask type acne medication like clearasil or oxy. just blob the pimple so it is completely covered and leave it on all day. If it comes off, put more on. It worked for me once. Good luck.
Toothpaste or an excellent remedy for pimples or acne-prone skin can be made by mixing 1 teaspoon ground cloves with 2 tablespoons fullers earth and ice water. When you wash your face, use sugar to scrub it, at least once a day, for two weeks to rid yourself of acne. Check out for more useful info.

How to get rid of a migrane?

I've had a migrane for about a day and half. i've taken tylenol, excedrin, and even stronger pain killers with no results.
the only thing that lightens my migraines is a massage to the temples, and on the top of the head, and right above the neck. you can do this yourself to get relief, but if feels so much better to make someone else do it!
Go see the doctor and get a shot of demerol, only thing that has ever worked...
800 mg ibuprofen with strong black coffee, lay flat on back in dark quiet room. hope u feel better

How to get rid of a lisp? (not a gay sounding one)?

ok, so i have a lisp, and it's been bothering me for as long as i can remember. the kind of lisp i have involves trouble producing an "S" sound (as in sock, sandal, suitcase, etc) but not "sh" words like shoe, shine, etc. i say anything w/ that "S" sound through my nose, which is why it sounds terrible. actually its been sounding better over the years (i'm 19 now), but i get comments on it every so often. 2 different speech therapists that i had from 1st through 6th grade didn't help at all and only made it worse, as my teachers, parents, and myself could see that they we're just trying to replace it by making me talk w/ a different lisp! so is there anything i can do about it, because it's probably a direct cause of not having any self esteem or friends in college... thanks in advance!
I am a child of the sixties, there was a period when having a lisp was fashionable for girls, so I developed one. Then I could not get rid of it. So I have had a lisp all my life since seventeen. Yeah sometiems people make fun of me even now, but I don't care any longer. I understand you are different as you are only nineteen. I went ot a speech therapist but she said it was not a bad enough problem to treat and told me to go to a voice coach as in actors and actresses. I never followed through but it might be an idea for you. There are also books in the library with expercises for you to do, again I never followed thou but you might want to. Remember Freddie Mercury had a never stopped him Queen is one of the best bands of all time.
Speech therapist.
It's probably due to the position of your teeth. Braces will correct it. I had a slight one. I had gaps between my teethand an open bite. I have braces now. My teeth are straight, and no lisp. I have to wear them for maybe 7 or 8 more months....hey everyone, this person already mentioned they had a speech therapist and it didn't work, so why are you suggesting it to him?
Have you tried speech thearpy? Try it.
at night just practice say words with an s to your self and you will eventualy get it yrust me i had a lisp with my r's and now its gone
speech therapist
I would say you just havent gotten to a good speech therapist. Maybe now, as an adult, you will be able to work better with a speech therapist.
Good luck my friend.
Keep trying speech therapists, someone has to work, I know there is also Cassette tapes you can listen to that take you through different speech lessons. It would be cheaper than a therapist and you can work on it all the time. Just remeber your young and people can be petty at your age, anyone who point's out a problem you cannot control is not worth hanging around. Life gets better with age and thankfully so do people! Good Luck and I hope it all works out for you:)!!!
a good speech therapist and lots of practice.

How to get rid of a cold fast?

Snort Saltwater, breathe hot air, and drink PLENTY of fluids!
Trust me on this.Get bicarbonate of soda (not baking soda) and salt, and a pint glass.Put in one teaspoon each of salt %26 bicarb into the pint glass and fill it up with water, and stir til it's all dissolved.Use a dessert spoon to snort the water every couple of hoursThis will help wash away bacteria and keep your nose and sinus cavity clean. Really inhale it up into your head, don't worry about any pain - it gets easier the more you do it.(The salt makes the water into saline, so it's at a similar salt level to your own bodily fluids, and the bicarb removes the harshness of the salt)Drink hot lemon %26 ginger tea if you can buy some from a shop, or just get ginger, lemons %26 honey and make some yourself by boiling ginger %26 adding lemon juice and honey once it's boiled through.
Sweat. Viruses live at temperatures below 102 degrees. If you can elevate your temperature above that through aerobic exercise you will kill the virus.,
take echinaforce drops in small amount of water it is a herbal remedy for colds and sore throats
see cold if you treat than it will go within a week or do not treat it will go on 7th day ! One and the same ! It is your immunity system that can take responsibility ! Take all precaution for allergic substances in food as well in air so that you don't get it that is the best way to treat the cold !If you are prone to have it there is no way out except you take suitable medicine like citirizine and so on anti histamines !!Always YoursmE

How to get rid of a bump of your tongue that hurts really bad?

its on the side of my tongue
You have a mouth ulcer. You should eat bland foods and chew carefully until it fades. Use a numbing cream such as bonjela to calm the pain and irritation. If it persists, see a doctor or dentist.
rinse ur mouth with salt water a few times during the helps inside to heal faster

How to get rid of a eye stye??

I just recently got a eye stye anyone have any ways to make it go away or how to treat it??
the best way is a warm compress.
You can use baby shampoo its mild enough not 2 burn byt strong enough 2 clean it

How to get rid of stuffy nose and cough?

Drink fluids, rest... take over the counter decongestants and cough suppressants.
you should take some cough medicine and then eat a cough drop 4 stuffy nose
If you'd like a natural cure that is real, real cheap (50 cents-$1.00)...try this (not fun though).
buy a bottle of Hydrogen peroxide (3% at drugstore)...
remove lid..fill with 1/4 HP and 3/4s water. Close one nostril...slowly breathe in other nostril. Do this with both nostrils. twice a day (eight hours apart) and cold should be gone in 2 days! In addition you might try gargling with it (esp if sore throat), (1 cap full hp with 1 8oz glass water.).also do same thing...and DRINK it...(cap hp /water) . It will be good in that it will destroy germs (by burning them with o2..most can't stand oxygen %26 h2O2 has extra oxygen molecule). Try it...its good for ya.
Here are a few simple home remedies that will help to overcome cough. Have honey in a hot drink before bed time.To relieve fits of coughing due to dryness in the throat, suck a few pepper corns. Check out for more remedies and information.
Don't Blow Your Nose Too Hard!
Putting excessive force into your nose blowing can tear at your sinuses and increase the pressure put on your sinus membranes, helping you to achieve the opposite of what blowing your nose is supposed to do.
Cough is caused by a number of ailments.
It can be treated by over the counter medicines
or home remedies. More information available

How to get rid from pimples and pimple marks?

i want to know that how many times i put lemon juice and rose water on my fase .does it really works ? coz i have black and red pimple marks on my face
Here are 4 Simple tips that could help you get rid of pimples.1. Keep you hands off of your face. This is extremely important. Unless your hands have just been washed do not touch your face with them. All day, your hands come in contact with bacteria and oils that can and will spread your acne and make it worse. Don't sit there feeling them and popping them all day long.2. Wash your face gently with Warm water and a soft wash cloth 2-3 times a day. Do not use a tough wash cloth. Once this is done you can then apply your exfoliant, which works well in the fight against acne.3. Baby Powder can work well in drying out your pimples and getting rid of them. Remember to wash your face first though.4. Eat plenty of nutritional foods that are high in fiber, iron, protein, and zinc. Also remember to drink plenty of water as It helps flush a lot of toxins out of your body.
honey and milk mix equally and apply on ur face daily twice will reduce pimple marks and u will get shine on ur face try out good luck
I tried lemon juice by itself and it didn't really work at all... I think it would be more effective if you actually drank a lot of lemon juice, and heal your skin from the inside. As for post-acne marks, they just take time to disappear so until then, wear good makeup that doesn't clog pores and heal your body from the inside by eating lots of fruits and vegetables. I know where you're coming from, I have a lot of them right now too but time will make them disappear, and a good diet.
naw i probably had the worst skin in the world all u need is any soap or cream but make sure the benzoil level is 10% it will clear up your skin in about 2 weeks gaurantee 10% is the strongest level on the market some soaps only have about 2% and thats y i found it didn't work on my skin but 10% really really helped me out alot but you got to wash your face about 3 times a day for a couple of weeks
A dermatologist can help you. But the first thing you need to do is do not put your hands/fingers on your face because you are adding oil and dirt which you don't need. Second: A skin car routine religiously with a good wash, exfoliant, and moisturizer. And don't pick at them! Good luck!
I just learnt lemon juice mixed with cucumber juice in ratio 1:1 does wonders. I have used it for just a day and night now and I must say its working, instead of applying and washing off after 15minutes leave it on overnight. I plan to use it for as long as it takes for my acne scars to fade.Apart from the lemon sting (I have to jump around like a crazy person after applying every night), which should reduce after refrigerating, there is no other disadvantage. The mixture also dry-up ur pimple (if used overnight) I also use it as my day cream when am not going out. Try it as it works, but u have to be patient and optimistic.

How to get nice glowing skin?

im africa-american,im kinda light skinned,my face has very very small pimples on it but they can still be seen bcuz it so much of them,i wouldnt really call them pimples,they appear more like tiny razor bumps on my cheeks,nose,and forehead,and its very visible cuz i have light skin,i have a few minor acne scars too,my skin is rough and oily too,i'm not really looking for perfect skin{although it would be good)i want to keep my facial skin off of mind,like when i jump out of the shower,i look in the mirror my face does not look healthy,its like i never took a shower!!i get nice nice haircuts but it would look better if had cleaner lookin skin!plz help i was trying to fight this for a long time..sooo thanx your answers are very the way im a guy..thanx
Homeopathic Beauty tips (Plastic Medicines to improve Complexion/Glow) :-For dry and rough skin. Aversion to take bath; scratching of the effected lesions Sulphur 30(3 Doses) or 200 (6 Doses), weeklyPain after scratching with rough and dry skin. Patient likes cold climate Psorinum 200 or 1M weekly (3 Doses) Dark circles around eyes due to shock or grief Natrum Mur 200 or 1M weekly (3 Doses) Eyes sunken and face pale due to loss of vital fluids China 6X or 30, 4 hourly Saddle like brownish complexion of nose and cheeks. Yellow spots on chest.sallow look Sepia 200 weekly (3 Doses) Dark circle around the eyes due to nervous weakness or prolonged nervous tension Phosphorus 200 weekly (3 Doses) For blackish spots; dry, rough, scaly skin; burning sensation. Restlessness Arsenic Album 30, 4 hourly Bluish, purple spots, face pale, jaundiced. patient cannot tolerate pressure of even clothes around throat, abdomen and waist Lachesis 30 or 200, weekly (3 Doses) Complexion yellow due to anaemia Ferrum Met 3X ,4 hourly Face deathly pale with blue rings around the eyes Bismuth 200, weekly (3 Doses) Warts, epithelioma; frickles and blotches; brownish spots Thuja Occ 200 weekly, (6 Doses) Face pimply, dry, rough, scaly skin; to clean the complexion Berberis Aq Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly,4-5 drops To dissolve scar tissue Thiosinaminum 3X, 4 hourly Old burn or injury marks; bleeds easily; warts Causticum 30 or 200, 6 hourly.No Side Effects or Complications 100% Relief. Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)
Take Care and God Bless You !
nivea holiday skin! that stuff is great and it works for me
I hear nuclear radiation helps if you want to glow.
You should go to a dermatologist. And do it now! Don't let time go by because you could risk getting more scars and damage to your skin- you'll regret it in a few years if you don't take care of it now.
Of course DO NOT forget to drink lots of water. You have to hydrate your skin from within. It helps a lot, trust me!
have you tried proactiv for your face. and there is a product aimed at African american males that targets the hairbumps that men sometimes get after a shave. I don't know the name of it though... An apricot scrub may help too because it helps exfoliate the skin to keep hair bumps from forming. You should also wash your face twice a day, use and astringent, and then use a moisturizing cream (once in the morning and once at night). I know it all sounds girly, but it works!! Good luck!!
Olay regenrist thermal polishing's about twelve bucks a tube but well worth it. If you're still oily afterwards, try using an astringent...Clean and Clear makes a good one, not too expensive either.
To determine this alot more info is needed. Such as, what are you currently using on your skin? What is your method of application? What do you shave with? Do you prep your skin BEFORE you shave? Do you have allergies? Is this condition in both the cold and warm weather? Are you eating a healthy diet?
Key factors to great skin - the basics are: 1. drink PLENTY of water! At least 8 8oz servings a day. 2. get 8 hours of sleep each night 3. Have a balanced diet. Other recommendations as far as product goes, depend on what your using at the moment and also your age. I wouldn't ever recommend a product unless I had the other info. Everyone's skin is different and if your having an ongoing battle, it may very well be due to the way your shaving or perhaps an allergy. Only a dermatologist can truly diagnose you. Good luck!!
Use a skin cleanser made from herbs to clean your face, neck and shoulders. The herbs to be used are: Bael tree leaves, Java plum or Black plum leaves, Acacia Sinnata, Lemon peel, Sandal wood, Cloves, Betal leaves, Tur Daal, Turmeric and Camphor.The process is as follows:1) Take a kg of each of bael tree leaves, black plum leaves and betal leaves. Clean them properly and boil them in water that is twice the volume till there is a thick liquid.2) Beat 8-10 cloves and then add about 25 lemon peels dried in the sun, acacia sinnata, 2 tbsps of tur daal and a pod of an inch of turmeric. Make a fine powder of all these ingredients. /p%26gt;3) Make sandalwood paste by grinding it on the grinding stone and adding very small quantity of water.4) Mix the powder and sandalwood paste properly and add to the cold liquid.
for a start, drnk more water. avoid saturated fats like red meat,too much sugar %26 dairy for pimples (sorry it wasn't clear from ur question I don't mean to be rude!).
perhaps if the skin is darker, apply a self-tanner, I use Johnson's holiday skin (which is for the body but I use it on my skin). But it doesn't give very strong colour, but Body Shop has some good self-tanners.
also u could exfliate to get rid of dead skin, u can use sea-salt for this but u could also get an exfoliator (Boots Botanics has rough skin scrub).
also wash with a good face wash morning %26 night %26 apply a moisturizer (these creams are supposed to be very good: you really want to do sth, you can %26 please don't focus too much on it as that makes things worse!

How to get more water into a person dieing of brain cancer?

My wife is in the palliative stage of Glioblastoma Multiforme iv
and is having difficulty in swallowing food liquid or pills.She needs to get more water in her system to make everything function better. Need your best tested methods.
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through such a painful experience. When my mother was at this stage the hospice nurse said all we could do was to get the little sponges on a stick and swab or lips and the inside of her mouth with water. It was just a little at a time making it easier to swallow. There are patches and drops for under the tongue for medication since the pills are so hard to swallow. It is minimal dropps absorbed making minimal swallowing necessary. Have you talked to a hospice nurse?
why don't the doctors just give her IV fluids.
Feeding tube or IV is the best option. There are 2 different kinds of feeding tubes, one that goes up the nose, down the throat, and into the stomach.. VERY simple, no surgery required. The other is what I call a "button" .. more permanent, but can be taken out..Probably best for long-term. Requires minor surgery. From the outside it looks like a little clip. You attach a tube to it at time of feeding (or in this case fluids) and take a syringe full of liquid and pump into it. Very very simple to do, and goes directly into the stomach.
First of all, sorry to hear about your wife and sorry for the jerk who gave you such a stupid answer. My brother-in-law lived with us while he was dying from the same type of cancer. I can advise you try frequent small sips and ice chips, things like jello but really if may not be enough and she will need IV fluids, she can also get her meds through an IV. You can keep her more comfortable by using little wet sponges to keep her lips and mouth moist. I work in a hospital and it is very uncomfotable for your mouth to be all dried out, so that will really help her feel better. Good luck to you and again, I am very sorry about your wife.

How to get a Kidney Stone to break up and pass?

I started passing stone fragments a month ago but then they stopped passing.
Have a Lithotripsy set for the 23rd and would like to pass stone before then.
any ideas?
I'm sorry but they don't really break up on there own. U have passed smaller ones the larger is still hopefully floating around and not stuck in your tube. take some vicodine and go to bed
Also why is the doctor waiting until the 23rd if it is stuck in your tube than you could get backed up causing even more severe problems. U also have to worry about infection, please take your temp, regularly and if goes over 100 call your Doctor. be careful about drinking to much check with your doctor on that if it can flow threw where is it going to go. Not any fun GOOD LUCK
drink things with citric acid, like grapefruit juice etc.
Yes, lots of prayer and time.
I had a kidney stone...when I was in the ER for it, they did nothing but hook me up to this 5 gallon IV of saline.WATER is the best thing you can do .flushes out your system.
Drink in moderation though...too much water at one time can dilute your blood too fast and make you very sick.Best and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
is by laser surgery and it's called vaporized! plus your a guy you don't want to be passing the stones before the lithotripsy procedure, is going to be extremal pain full.
If the stone is too big - you might not be able to pass it. However, drink lots. My doctor said to drink about 2-3 liters a day. Good luck - hurts like hell!
I've had two lithotripsies and one ureteroscopy. My only suggestion is to drink water (but as someone as posted, don't overdo it). Whether or not they'll pass depends on where they're located, how large they are, and what they're made of. If they're in the kidney itself lithotripsy is the proper procedure. If they're in the ureter a ureteroscopy should be done. Citrus drinks can help somewhat to dissolve crystals and prevent future stones, but won't dissolve existing stones. As for the pain after the litho, remember that people have varying experiences with it, and that your doctor will give you medication to ease it. Mine was very minimal. Your doctor, of course, is always the best source of advice. Take care and good luck.

How to find a mosquito?

I've got a mosquito in my house! I can not possiabily go to sleep knowing it's gonna be feasting on me and possiably spreading infectious disease. Anyone know how to find it since I missed three times and scared it off?
Get a bug zapper.
It will die eventually, bugs like fly and mosquito don't live very long. I give it 2 more days the most until it dies.
Heat it
Make sure the room(s) is well lit, it will be easier to see. Go around and shake the curtains, make sure it's not hiding on them.
well...Mosquitos like hot or humid places with water.does this help? kill it with a shoe or something
Instead of findin git, get a white plate or bowl (it has to be white...mosquito's are attracted to white) and put some water on it and add a few drops of a lemony scented dish soap...leave it out and the mosquito will find that before he does you and will drink from it and then die. Good Luck!
Mosquitoes are really dangerous bec it is a vector for certain diseases such as dengue, malaria, and filariasis...Maybe you should check on the following at your house (if any)1. FLower vase with water (or any container w/ stagnant water)
2. Ornamental plants (alive) at your sala or kitchen
3. Dark cabinets
4. Trash Can
5. Sala set or even your bed
6. other places w/c are dark and w/ cool temp
If it is a single mosquito forget it. It will not do any damage. You can use a mosquito net to protect your baby or a fan at full speed. You can also spray and kill it.The life span of the mosquito is only 21 days and by the time you take any action the fellow might have died a natural death.

How to fight heart disease?

Do you have any ideas on how to prevent heart disease, from what to eat, to exercise, or anything else?
Keep your lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides) low by eating
meats with less fat content, exercise will help in doing this
as well as the extra benefit of strengthening the heart.
Don't smoke, keep your weight down.These are some starting points to get you started
dark chocolate, and red wine
Eat healthy is the most important thing. Low cholesterol and eating things oats and other grains can help. This balanced with adequate cardio exercise and you can lower your chances dramatically of getting heart disease.
eat low fat foods, skimmed milk and white meat such as chicken and fish. Avoid red meat. walk and excercise a lot. it will reduce the fat.
How do you majorly reduce your likeliness of getting coronary artery disease ?
Knowing your fasting blood glucose levelsLowering eliminating severe stress
Maintain normal weight and do excercise but do NOT over do sprints twice a week or 3 NO MORElift weights
Make sure you have a nutrient rich diet AVOID low fat nonsenseavoid trans fatty acids which are man made
make sure your omega3 ratio is greater than omega 6blood pressure normaldo NOT drink- red wine is a MYTH the :Lipid Hypothesis is FALSE THAT is why French have low rates NOT red wineThey do NOT have a monopoly on red wine consumnption- Italy and Spain drink just as much red wine and do NOT have nearly the low rates the French have.
do NOT smoke.
Regular's the only remedy proven to extend life. Fast at least one day per week. If you have plaque built up in your arteries, you may want to try a longer fast.
When we fast the body can dissolve fat deposits in the arteries.
No matter if they tell you it's bad for you, research it!
Limited fasting is very healthy, and almost everyone can do it.
You can't fight it, once you have it.You can only lower your chances of developing it.To the guy above I am very sorry you have coronary heart diseaseUnfortunately it was the SMOKING that did it NOT cholesterol.I am not judging you or implyimng you deserve it I am just saying what the researach has found Do NOT be fooled by scientifically UNofunded anti cholesterol propaganda.Smoking absolutely does this. I in fact know a several; smokers who all developed coronary heart disease due to the vascular damage that starts off the inflamation which leads to the hard fibrous scar tissue which leads toi coronary heart disease

How to fight aging skin early??

I am 16. What should I do for my daily routine to keep my skin healthy. Any good products, home recipes, anything. How much sun should I get a day? So is it possible to try to stay away from sun as much as possible and take Vitamin D tablets?? I get more and more worried about my skin whenever I look at older people. I don't know why, maybe that's somethin gI should look over first because it's part of life to grow old. I do want to take good care of myself too though.
Wow thinking this way at 16 already. Well that's a little psycho but hey good for you the best way to keep skin healthy is to take care of it now! I am 29 and I am freakingout about getting wrinkles and all that stuff.
I dated a dermatologist and I am a scientist so I can totally help you out for advise :)
The #1 thing you can do is wear sunscreen EVERY day. Every morning when you gently wash your face put on SPF 15 or greater. I use neutrogena SPF45 you can get it at walmart where the face washes are. You got to use it every day. Also try not to wear tons of caked on make up, a little is fine but the more you put on the more it settles into your grooves int he skin and makes the deeper. Never wear make up to bed- unless you absolutley have to. And do not scrub your face, treat it gently that skin is soft and delicate. Make sure you drink fruit juice, low fat milk and plenty of water to keep skin hydrated- but that is normal advise for your whole body. Use a moisturizer for your skin every day (any one is good as long as it says for face they are all similar, you only need anti wrinkle ones when you are in your late 20's right now they will do absolutly nothing, so just get a normal one). Also vitamins can keep skin strong and soft- take a kids chewable vitamin every day- like flinstones- yes the kids kind (I take them too they rock) at any age all you need is the kids chewables because you eat normal food to get most of the vitamins you need anyways they just help in case you slack of on vegies and such. DO NOT SMOKE, smoking puts wrinkles on fast and can cause cancer on your skin (and duh lungs too. lol)
SPF is the #1 way to keep your skin young for years and years all the other stuff will help but sun damage is the #1 ager of skin (unless you smoke, then smoke is #1).
well I'm black and you know how they say that black women age more gracefully than white women? Well it's because our skin has the right oils that it needs to protect against early aging. You should get a moisturizer and use it daily to protect against aging.

How to fight a bad tonsil/throat infection?

I am fighting a deep tonsil/throat infection. I have been sick on and off since the beginning of February with sore throats, fever, and ear aches/infections. Last week I went to the doctor for the 4th time since February because my tonsils were so swollen, my throat was raw, and I had a huge lump on the side of my neck. My doctor said I have a deep infection in my tonsils and that I need to see an Ear/Nose/Throat (ENT) doctor to possibly have my tonsils removed. My doctor put me on antibiotics for 5 weeks (I'm on week 2 of my antibiotics now). My tonsils are still swollen and I still have a lump on my neck. The big problem is that I can't get in to the ENT until the beginning of July. My huge tonsils and lump on my neck are a pain, and I don't feel 100 %. Last night I had a low-grade fever (99.5), and my throat was so sore yesterday. My question is this: what can I do until July to improve my health? I'm a teacher, so I need to feel healthy and have energy. Any suggestions?
Waiting until July for an ENT appointment is unacceptable if your in the US and not canada. Your tonsils are areas of tissue that "catch" bacteria, viruses and swell up to cause an immune response to destroy the pathogen. Neck is a lymphnode, infection drains from throat through lymphatic channels to "same tissue type" in neck and helps start an immune response. You being a Teacher, im assuming children or teens, you see a lot of bugs and bacteria. Most throat infections are either Bacteria (Strep) or Viral (Mono or Adenovirus). You need to reduce your exposure to possible infections. Try washing hands before eating lunch or eating anything while in a public area. (I know its tough to remember, but it will help). Avoid touching face as much as possible as this commonly leads to infection. I would seriously look for another ENT, because that is too long a wait. You shouldn't have to suffer. After 1st visit, you have to then schedule a surgury which can be 1-2 months away. Go to this website and search for a few other Dr's and see if they can get you in sooner. Its the American Board of ENT physicians. Luck
My dad used to make a drink for us that was super simple and always seemed to fight off severe sore throats. Mind you it was way back in the 50's. He would heat orange juice (with pulp) to just before boiling, then we would sip it. It was delicious. We could drink as much as we wanted. Shortly after drinking it you break a sweat. I'm 57 and it still works.
Sore throat is usually due to a viral infection. Gargling with warm salty water or mouthwash can reduce the pain and inconvenience. More details and home remedies available at

How to entertainyourself when sick?

what do i do because im sick and bored please give websuites thzs
A good game is 2nd life. It is basically what you could do at home on the computer!! You can go to malls, sing, build a masion, start a town by buying an island, and many more. You can also interact with other players or form groups!! It is the most popular game right now. And better yet, its free and easy to download.
Read those books on your dusty shelves.
Write a story...
Watch re-runs of fav movies...
..Can't really be bothered surfin the web...

How to dispose of use syringe in oklahoma?

You are supposed to get a sharps container for that stuff. Most containers have an address you can send it to for disposal once it is full. This is the same procedure no matter what state you live in.
Put it in sharps container available from your drug store and then take it to your local hospital or clinic and they will dispose of the container.
Ues a sharps container or if your low on money put it in a plastic gallon milk jug. That's what I do in Tennessee!

How to diagnose the death?

Pupils dilated and unresponsive
No pulse or audible heart-beat
No breathing
Usually you also need a " flatline " on an ECG .Edit
I just had to reply to the stupid answer " autopsy is the only way " , you mean you would do an autopsy on someone BEFORE you were sure they are dead ? AHAHAHAHAH
If the person isn't responding or breathing and has no heart rate, their dead.
An autopsy is the only way.
If you're brain is dead then you're dead. Cos the rest of organs can be replaced imo like hearth. Doctor's diagnose a person's as dead if he isn't breathing,his hearth isn't working/there's no pulse,if he looses his body temperature,if he doesn't have reflexes anymore and if his brain doesn't respond to anything then he's dead.
There are various methods used to determine that a person has died. The obvious are absence of respiration, circulation and cardiac activity. Pupils will be fixed and dilated. There will be no response to noxious stimuli. There will be a breakdown of the blood-brain barrier. There's another one but I can't remember it.

How to deal with pimples?

i have pimples on my cheek which are leaving dark spots on my skin. i also got a kinda pimples for dandruff. they're very small but visible. i dont have much dandruff but these don go away. what shall i do to remove these and make my skin complete smooth?
This is not an overnight sollution, but in time will make you have great skin - an old remedy I used in my adolesence and still today at times if I know I've gotta look good for an upcoming event:Boil water in a couple quart saucpan or so. Once it has come to a boil, lean over it with a towel draped over your head trapping the steam under the towel and focusing it all around your face. You will not to be able to hold it too long due to the heat, but face the steam on and off again for 10-15 min or so. The steam will open your pours and exfoliate your skin. After doing this wash your face well with a mild facial cleanser. Avoid putting any creams / masks / make up / etc on for several hours after. Repeat this roughly every third day (too freuqntly will been too harsh on your skin). After a few weeks you will notice that your skin is much smoother, softer to the touch, and of course best of all, there is no oil / dirt / etc clogging your pores - i.e. no more pimples. Hormones produce more oil in some than others, but the root of acne is pores getting clogged, straight and simple. So as long as you keep up the procedure and keep your pores clear, you can't possibly have pimples. Hope it helps.
I have the same problem last time, try to detox your body and eat spirulina, it help me a lot in my complexion and health.
u should try using Proactive it worked good on me.u should really try it
I would recommend proactive. Probably you dont believe in it but it really helps, i have it and its working fine. There is also pads you can buy. its called Ery 2% Pads ( erythromycin pledgets USP, 2%) for external use. you can buy cream as well.
avoid stress. and go find some help to your derma.
eat fruits. make it your diet.
try also applying tretinoin on your face.
first i go for facial..the lady help to remove the dirts..
then i use DR Renaud's product..My face used to be it's so much better. It's pricey but worth my money. Artistry is great too.
- Nutrition to Fight Acne, the link : 7 Little Known Acne Skin Care Secrets, the link : are several method to get rid of acne scars :** Home remedy :
-- All The Secrets About Home Treatment For Acne Scars, the link :
-- Home Remedy to Get Rid of Acne Scars, the link :** Chemical :
-- Skin peel, the link :
-- Acne Scarring When Prevention Is Too Late, the link : this helps.

How to cure warts\?

See a doctor. He will offer you several type of treatment. These can include:-freezing the warts off
-using a laser to the burn the warts off
-various topical (cream/gel) treatmentsAll of these treatments are very effective at getting rid of the warts. However, there is no cure for genital warts. The virus will remain in your body even if the warts never come back.
What kind of warts and where?
there is no cure. you will always have the virus that causes them, so use a condom.

How to cure suntan?

Due to regular exposure to sun my face has turned darker where as my hands and rest of body parts are still very fair.My face is going to be darker and darker every day though i am using proper protection.If some one know some tips to make my face fair again please tell me
you can'tjust use a cap to cover for face and it will start to fade on its ownwhen ppl work outside this is just something we have to live with
Wear a hat.
Every single day you should wear a cream with the highest SPF (sun protection factor) and if you cannot wear a hat, remember to rub on some more frequently to avoid tanning... In order to lighten your skin, you should see a dermatologist, but I will tell you something I have noticed on my own skin... (I have an olive complexion and I tan very easily)... I have bleached my body hair (arms) with Peroxide cream (20 or 30%) and bleaching powder, I noticed that my skin bleaches too, I have even rubbed on the peroxide alone and my skin clears up... If you will use it with your together with the powder careful not to have scratches or sores, cause it may itch a lot.
You can get these products at markets that sell hair care products or cosmetics.
Good luck!!

How to cure sunburn?

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How to cure or prevent brain stroke?

One of the main causes of stroke is high blood pressure. Be sure to keep your blood pressure under control by eating a healthy diet and getting some regular exercise. If you are overweight, losing even as little as ten pounds can make a healthy difference in your blood pressure. Sometimes, even with diet and exercise, blood pressure remains high. If this is the case, there are many wonderful medications available that can keep your blood pressure at a normal level.
you cant CURE a stroke, and if you want to prevent one, get an MRI and bloodwork done to check for clotting
know a stroke's warning signs and control a stroke's risk factors... Warning signs are clues your body sends that your brain is not receiving enough oxygen. If you observe one or more of these signs of a stroke or "brain attack," don't wait, call a doctor or 911 right away! *Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
*Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
*Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
*Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
*Sudden severe headache with no known causeOther danger signs that may occur include double vision, drowsiness, and nausea or vomiting. Sometimes the warning signs may last only a few moments and then disappear. These brief episodes, known as transient ischemic attacks or TIAs, are sometimes called "mini-strokes." Although brief, they identify an underlying serious condition that isn't going away without medical help. Unfortunately, since they clear up, many people ignore them
To prevent a stroke maintain your cardiovascular health. Monitor blood pressure and cholesterol. If needed take medications to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. If over 50 take an aspirin a day. Exercise and eat right.To cure a stroke after it happens get to the ER immediately. The Doctors will run an MRI to find out what type of stroke, a clot or a bleed. With a clot TPA is given to break it up (needs to be given within 2 hrs of onset of symptoms).

How to cure my dry foot and it always peels my skin?

everyday i peel my skin from the heel please help me to cure my dry foot, i keep applying vaselene everyday
I use Burt's Bees Hand Salve on my heels.
I used to have the most painful cracked and peeling heels.
I have beautiful feet now.
I put it on every day without fail!
There is your problem vasesline is petroleum it hardens your skin not softens it contrary to marketing and peoples belief.
Don't apply anything with petroleum, baby oil or mineral oils to your feet again.Go get a pumice stone and soak your feet and apply kosher salt and olive oil as a scrub/moisture.
Get a lotion geared for your foot and apply the cream after you soak it, use the olive oil scrub and apply socks.
Lock in the moisture.
Every day in the shower take off the dead skin with the pumice.It's a safe bet if you have no open sores to get a a pedicure to get the fast help you need -
Use a foot scrub to remove dead skin, then a foot file. Rub in some cream, like neutrogena or cocoa butter or similar before you go to bed and wear socks to bed. It should make your skin softer and help keep it moisturised. In fact put cream on your feet before you put socks on - it works for me!
Go to your local store please. Look for the Vaseline brand lotions. There are many, so look for one that indicates it's for heels OR extremely dry skin. Use it religiously and, borrowing anything medically wrong, it should heal and become manageable in no time.
u can use krack cream ,it really does work.
If your body is heat in nature(prakruthi), try applying ghee to the soles of the feet while going to bed %26 wash with warm water in the morning.
Yogurt-honey combination helps dry skin. Make an egg pack with a yolk, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of milk powder. This is beneficial to dry skin types. There are many helpful tips to cure dry skin at
Try the homoeopathic medicine Lycopodium 30 - a few pills taken 3-4 times a day. This medicine does not have any side effects and is good for the liver and stomach as well. If it helps please let me know.

How to cure knock knee and genu valgum..any excercises is there for this treatment?

The only remedy for genu valgum is surgery. In younger patients an osteotomy may be performed. With adult patients, knee replacement surgery may be needed. If you looked at pictures to see anatomical examples of men and women, you'd find that 'slightly' knocked knees are natural for women. Sometimes the hardest, but easiest thing to do to correct what we perceive as flaws with out bodies, is to learn to love and accept ourselves.
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1.Try with taking cows urine 30 to 40 ml empty stomach in the morning .
2. take black tea with lemon grass boil for 15 to 20 mins , take 2-cups daily do not take milk
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well thanks
God bless you
trully speaking only exercises cannot cure this problem, but i you are with pain try some simple exercises like

How to cure butt pimples?

there is no such thing. on dr. phil, he said that it is caused by either: if you have nasty hair on your butt, ingrown hairs, or if you go swimming alot, you need to dry it off, and it is from moisture. there is no such thing as butt pimples. thats pretty gross tho...
Exfoliate and wear cotton underwear.
loofah and soap with acne medication in it...good luck!
Wash your a-s-s! With soap and water. Daily.
take a shower every now and then.
I always have my husband pop mine.
sqeeze it real hard
Take more baths
you skin is constantly excreting oils and waste.. yes,. waste.. so the first step would be to start eating a less greasy diet. eat more fruits.
next: scrub it good in the shower!
Are they pimples? or is it heat rash? or maybe you are
allergic to the laundry detergent you use?
If it is heat rash try gold bond. If its detergent you might
want to try a detergent that is free of dyes and perfume.
Avon sells a product especially to treat "skin bumps", I saw it in their latest catalog. I often see questions on Answers about butt pimples, so I had an "OH!" moment when I came across the product. Had to think of all of those people with a problem with skin bumps/butt pimples. It seemed like an good product, so you might want to try it out.
yuck try the proactive stuff i don't know if it works on butts though goo luck!!

How to cure babesia gipson?

i was told that my dog has babesia gipson. i really have no idea why my dog was found the disease. can it be cure? the owner of the kennel told me that there is no guarantee to cure the disease. my dog look very healthy. are there any syptoms? and if it has babesia gipson, can she migrate to south africa? because i'm living in south africa at the moment. i spent more that HK$14000 to go through the red tape and i have to spend HK$40000 more to proceed the precedure, but was told there is no guarantee to deliver my dog to south africa. can any one tell me the above question?
I'm sorry, your question doesn't belong in this category. Please post it in Pets.
I think this is a fair question to ask since humans aren't the only organisms affected by infectious diseases.Babesia sp. are protozoans spread by tick bites. Babesia infections can be cured with antibiotics and quinines (similar to malarial treatment). It will cost you, but you can have your veterinarian treat your dog and clear it of the infection. But until then, it won't be able to be imported into SA.I don't know how much you love your dog (I'm not a pet lover, so I don't exactly sympathize), but you may want to give it to a friend or relative instead. Taking it to SA may be too much of a hassle.

How to cure asthma effectively?

Can you tell me how?
Hi EnigmaHere are some answers on asthma.Causes of Asthma
Causes of asthma include, though are not limited to poor diet, food and environmental allergies, exposure to cold air, infection, overexertion and/or excessive exercise, exhaustion, and stress. Inhalants, which are commonly prescribed by conventional physicians to treat asthma symptoms, can also trigger asthma attacks, as can other pharmaceutical drugs, which can trigger allergic responses. Improper breathing habits are also a factor; often Asthmatics do shallow breathing, which leaves them more susceptible to an attack. Shallow breathing, coupled with the fear of not being able to breathe can often aggravate an attack.Cleanses: Colon and liver cleanse will clear out the toxins in the blood and assists the body in healing. Learn about detoxifying the blood and you can change your health very quickly.Diet:
If you suffer from asthma, you need to be screened for food allergies and sensitivities, and then avoid eating those foods you are allergic or sensitive to. In addition, avoid all sugar and sugar products, wheat and wheat byproducts, soft drinks, commercially processed foods, and all foods containing artificial ingredients, such as additives, colorings, flavorings, and preservatives. Minimize your intake of milk and dairy products, coffee and other caffeinated products. In addition, avoid eating foods that are high on the glycemic index, as such foods can trigger insulin resistance and cause hypoglycemia, which is a common factor in many cases of asthma. Be sure to drink a gallon of pure water a day.Emphasize an organic, whole foods, include plenty of fresh, raw organic fruits and vegetables, preferably soaked nuts and seeds, organic, free-range meats and poultry, and wild-caught fish. Garlic and onions, ginger and peppers are excellent staples to include in your meals, due to their powerful health benefits for the lungs and overall respiratory system. Also be sure to drink plenty of pure, fresh water each day, a minimum of eight ounces should be drunk every two hours. Extra virgin olive oil, virgin raw coconut butter/oil and high lignin flax seed oil are the oils of choice, and can used freely to replace all other fats and oils in the diet. Choose to cook with only virgin coconut butter/oil due to its ability to withstand high heats.If your asthma attacks tend to be provoked by stress, combine half a teaspoon each of baking soda and sea salt in organic juice or pure, filtered water, and drink immediately.Herbs: Useful herbs for helping to prevent and reverse asthma symptoms include cayenne pepper, ephedra (although the Food and Drug Administration tried to ban ephedra, it is now once again available due to a federal court ruling that overthrew the FDA ban), garlic, gingko biloba, green tea, gumweed, horse chestnut, Indian tobacco, jujube plum, licorice root, lobelia, marshmallow root, mullein, onion, passionflower, skunk cabbage, slippery elm, and thyme.Homeopathy: Useful homeopathic remedies for asthma include Ammonium carbonicum, Aralia racemosa, Arsenicum album, Arsenicum iodatum, Cuprum metallicum, Ipecac, Kali nit, Lachesis, Lobelia, Natrum sulpuricum, Pulsatilla, Sambucus, Spongia tosta, and Sulphur.
Best of health to you
Not too sure is asthma can be cured. My husband's asthma was hereditery, but when he stopped smoking %26 started excercising, all signs of asthma stopped.
My daughter has asthma as well, thou not inherited - started when she was about 4 years old (she's 10 now)- it can be controlled through daily medication prescribed by her doctor. There is an asthma action plan to follow in the event that she gets an attack or if she has the flu.
It has controlled the situation as she hardly gets an attack now, but her medication must be followed religiously.
We have tried all sorts of "food cures" like crocodile meat %26 durians, but it does not work.
Is there a cure for asthma which millions of ppl suffer from and use medication to ease the symptoms or stop "attacks" if so let me know my 14yr old daughter has had it 12 yrs now
There is no cure for asthma, but it is a reversible disease. Your best defense against asthma is know your triggers (dust, ragweed, hair spray, etc.) and avoid them. Use medications to control the symptoms when they arise. Knowing your disease is far and away your greatest weapon against its symptoms. Keep a journal of when you had an attack, what you were doing, and where you were. From that info you can compile a record of possible triggers and avoid them in the future.Medication will only help reduce your symptoms by opening up your airways. Asthma is unique to every single patient in that what causes an acute episode in one patient does nothing to another asthma patient. Good luck.
there is no cure -just treatment. follow the doctor's instructions and use the meds exactly as prescribed.

How to cure an eye stye?

Am I spelling that correctly? I have a pimple like thing developing under my eye- I think its a stye (spelled as it sounds) should I use a warm press on it or a cold one. its kind of painful...
It's spelled "sty". The cure is hot compresses, 3 or 4 times a day. Use a wet washcloth with water as hot as you can reasonably stand. Hold the compress over your closed eye until it cools off. The sty will be gone in about a week.
when i get one i usually use a warm tea bag. helps relieve the itchiness for one and helps draw out the crap.
What I usually do is take a very warm (steaming is better) wash cloth and hold it there for a while, a couple of times a day.Hope you feel better soon!!:]]
if its truly a stye, the only way to get rid of it is meds from a doctor. If you don't get the meds it will get worse! it can cause, and worse and worse. And it will look AWFUL! and its very contagious!
An antibiotic cream for the eye actually works best. There is an over the counter medication for it at the pharmacy or walmart. I used to go to the farmers co-op and buy teramycin antibiotic ointment for cattle and use it. It would be gone in a couple of days and it saved me a trip to the doctors.
I usually get in the shower and turn the water on hot, hot enough to where it wont burn me and place my eye under it, it makes it go away really fast and makes it feel better too
Put a warm press on it and if it does not go away you will have to get it cut. It is just a small op. The ophthalmologist will deaden the area and slit it. The next morning you should be good. This is when the glands are blocked.
Keep the eye with a warm cloth. If you want faster results, go to a pharmacy and ask the pharmacist. Usually they have some drops that will help alleviate the itching.
Since a syte is an infected hair follice; take a good look in the mirror to see the hair. It is usually an eye lash. Get these items ready- tweezers, tissues and a hot wet compress. The key with the compress is to open you eye so that you can get direct pressure applied to the stye. After a minute, remove compress and use tweezers to remove eyelash, use tissues to remove any pus. Do not use a wet compress after the syte has "popped". Also, you need to get rid of all the eye makeup you have been using and change wash clothes each time you touch the area.
they do have medicne for that called stye

How to cure acne without doctors?

Hi, im 20 and have acne for about 6 years now, i just dont no what to do, i have been to the Doctors and the have given me antiboitics and cream, but when i stop using them, weeks later they come back! What can i do to stop my acne?Many Thanks
There is no cure for acne, only managements. I am afraid there are also no useful alternative remedies that will be as effective as the conventional therapy you have been give. You admit it works and don't seem to be suggesting that you have any side effects.Perhaps you should be grateful you live in an age when we can fix your problem.
oxy 10 from the chemist is very effective. use sparingly though.
dont stop using the cream ??
Three things.1. You wrote regarding the medicine: "When I stop using them." Duh. Then don't stop using them! 2. Are you SURE you are taking the medicine AS DIRECTED? Are you communicating with your doctor with the results? Have you been to a dermatologist? If not, then try it. They went to school for a decade for a reason. 3. Acne is a medical condition. It is often genetic. You can try washing and not touching your face, but the fact is that if you are biologically prone to getting this, then there is little you can do but fight it with medicine. You may as well ask "How can I cure cancer without doctors?" Well, you know what? You probably can't. Odds are that anyone who gets on here and says otherwise does not have the same genetic causation you do. Go back to the doctor and tell them what you just said here and try something else.Good luck!
Mary Kay (no, I'm not a distributor) has a skin regimen specifically designed for acne. I had a friend who fought acne into her 20's and it cleared it up. If you know anyone that sells Mary Kay products, ask them about it. It's kind of expensive, but if it works - it's worth it.
Try applying white vinegar after washing your face. Massage it into your skin wait 5 minutes then rinse with warm water. Pat your face dry with a soft towel. Most of the acne will be gone by the next morning. do this every morning and before bed to keep it under control!
Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day. Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on pimples. Check out for more useful info.
raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar
to open the pores and loosen dirt and grease from your face turn off the heat from a pan of distilled water, add 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar to a quart of the hot water. drape a towel over the pan and your head to steam clean your pores. take a cotton ball, dip in vinegar and pat over skin to remove loosened dirt. repeat 2 more times. then spray or dab on
chilled vinegar and equal part of distilled water to close your pores and tone your skin. do twice weekly, also can use the chilled vinegar water as a toner 2 times daily.
it is amazing .
i also drink the vinegar, 1-2 tablespoons in water with honey in the morning..and i use the vinegar water as a toner 2 times daily..raw unpasturized apple cider vinegar..
the following 2 testimonials can be seen at
Angelina O, has found that applying ACV topically to her face several times a day (4 or more times) has cured her of a "very bad complexion". She reports that she applies it straight and that while it burns her skin a bit, it still works like a miracle!Cheryl writes, "My daughter developed a case of moderate acne, and after trying a number of different things for over a year which helped very little or not at all, she started drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar three times a day and applying it topically once at night. She has been acne free for two months. It took about three weeks to clear up." to drink, add to water and honey, or to apple can get the vinegar at the health food store, or in some super markets.
Apply slices of tomato on your skin; the pulp of the tomato has astringent properties, which can prevent acne. More home remedies available at

How to correct Speech Defect of R-Gliding?

I have speech defect known as R-gliding. I can't pronounce 'R' rather it comes out as 'w'. 'Rat' will come out as 'wat'. Sometimes I don't try to speak 'R' simply substitute with 'a' or 'e'.Is there any exercise which can rectify this defect.
For your specific defect, there is one very common and easy excercise. Just sit down and produce the long string of Rs. It should start helping after a few weeks. Just sit (or stand) and produce this sound:
like a motorcycle engine :)
Good luck
It can be rectified only by excercise.i also had a condition early childhood that I wa not getting the Ka or Ga sound.It used to come out as da, for eg: ganga became danda.
Gradually got out of it repeating similar words.All the best!
Sage Valmiki was not able pronounce Rama when he was a daku. Instead he was told to prounce mara mara mara when continuously pronounced it turned out to be rama rama rama.
Try telling war war war instead of raw raw raw and see if you can prounce R. Otherwise, you will have to visit a speech therapy centre where they train scientifically.

How to control creatinine and blood urea?

It sounds like you have chronic kidney disease. You should be under the care of a doctor who will tell you what to do. In essence, cut out sodium (salt), potassium and phosphorus. In that case, it's manageable and you can nurse the malfunctioning kidneys along for a while. Hey, it's better than dialysis or trying for a transplant. You'll have to aggressively control your blood pressure. Quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol.

How to contact a neurologist?

I need to tak to an neurologist i honestly feel that my issues arnt anxiety i have sever tingeling in the brain heavyness and my eye site has been going bad i have a twitch in my neck. headacks that wont go away no matter what pain releivers i take i belive that why my aniexty started up again because it is scarey to why my brain feels like its going to explode.I litterally feel like banging my head against something its that bad i have no previous history of mental illness and honestly belive its not from that anyways i have a server pressure feels like inside my head.The doctor did a cat scan negative but wanted to do a lumbar which i crapped out on anyone every had these symtoms before? i feel like i have terrets in my head and neck from twitching every few second and my neck is sore from it no pain relivers are working and i dont do any drugs.doctors couldnt find anything wrong this has been going on for about 2 months.comments more than welcome
Get an appointment with a famous neurologist in your town/city!
Call your doc and ask for a referal to a neurologist. If you have anxiety though you need to see about getting something from your regular doc to helo with that. Often times anxiety alone can cause a lot of the symptoms you described.
I got my regular physician to refer me to one..sometimes it is required by your insurance. If that is not in your case then call one in the phone book and ask if they can see you w/o a referral. If you are in severe pain and cannot wait, just go to an ER and what they say. If they think you need to see one then one will be called in for you or an appointment will be made with one for you since you don't have one already.

How to clear hiv virus?

No cure, No effective treatment. Wish i could say otherwise bro.
You've gotta be kidding me.
Just hope and pray a cure is found man far as i know you don't clear it! you take pills to tame it.
No way. Eating tomatoes might help. Chili peppers can kill cancer cells.
are you serious??
i feel for you but no cure temporally

How to clean smelly nose with yellow stuffs inside?

Almost every morning my nose is fill with this yellow smelly stuff, and its been bothering me starting this year. I have to clean (dig out lightly) in my nose or sneeze hard to get rid of the yellow stuff. Does anyone has the same problems? I don't know whether my breathing is affected or not. I don' know how to tell the doctor about the symptoms, they may just ask me to drink lot of water and rest.
it is just mucus that starts to harden =give your nose a good blow in the morning to help get it out
allergies and sinuses use a nasal spray with saline it works well spray sniff blow
It's common (especially during allergy season) to wake up with slight congestion and drainage. If you have any sinus pain or pressure, however, you could have sinusitis and may need an antibiotic. If it only happens in the morning it's probably just normal overnight drainage.
You should irrigate your nostrils with salt water. You can go to a pharmacy and get a kit. People have been doing for 100's of years and it works wonders.
Stay away from rotten pu--y, sticking your nose were it doesn,t belong lead to infections, possible arrest, stay off the bad COKES!

How to clean my nose?

There is such a thing as a Nose Bidet. It cleans the nasal cavity of such things as pollen, dust, etc. You tilt your head sideways and pour a solution in the opposite nostril. You could probably ask your doctor about it.
uuum you could use your finger or some saline spray--I suggest going to the drug store. *laugh
Use a nasal wash system such as sinucleanse, and that will clear everything up.
I use a saline wash... you use a little device which is called a Jala neti pot (it looks like a mini watering can or even a Genie lamp)... you can get these at nearly any pharmacy these days or any natural food stores. It's referred to as nasal irrigation and it's something that starts to be as easy as brushing your teeth. The first time you do it you might feel like it's weird... but it starts to come second hand and it really feels good... nice and clean... even refreshing. Hope this helps!
I just use a siringe, and very warm salt water. Just shoot it up the nostril, and let it run back out. Works like a charm with oncoming colds, alergies, and clearing the sinuses so you can breath at night. I also did this with my daughter when she was a baby so that she could sleep when she had a cold, usually only lasted 3 days.

How to bleach a mustache..?

My friend who is Asian, wants me to help bleach her mustache. We don't want to do ANYTHING wrong because she's a model and can't afford ruining her face. Can anyone give us step by step tips?
p.s. if she gets allergic reactions from acne creams, is this a bad idea?
p.s.s. is it possible to bleach your skin while bleaching your mustache?
Use Jolens bleach for facial hair. It's gentle, and won't bleach her skin. If she's scared about breaking out from it, test a little on her skin in an area that can't be seen. Follow the directions - works great. (I had to bleach my friends eyebrows once, and that's what we used).
Don't even think about bleaching her moustache, especially if she's Asian.Facial (and also body) hair on women comes about in the same way as on men because of 1) the body being sensitized, before you were even born, to testosterone -- doesn't happen to all girls, but does to many2) the body producing high levels of testosteroneThe growth rate and coarseness of the hair depends on just how much testosterone is circulating in the bloodstream.Steer clear of bleaching -- when someone sees her against the light she'll look as if she has a glowing moustache.As far as removing it is concerned it's worth remembering that* Waxing, plucking, threading, epilating all pull the hair out by the roots and where the growth is hormonally-driven can actually stimulate a dormant follicle into producing more hair quicker. They also distort the root if done repeatedly, leading to hair growing at strange angles. And you've got to let the hair grow to quite a length before you can repeat the exercise. It can also damage the skin and discolor it. Long-term use of waxing also causes bad wrinkles.* Chemical depilatories strong enough to remove the hair are very likely to burn the skin, cause swelling and cause long-term discoloration of the skin.* Laser is also liable to cause burning and discoloration and in any case only works effectively on a dark hair/light skin combinantion.* Electrolysis is very liable to cause scarring and discoloration of the skin.Which, like it or not, leaves shaving which does not damage the skin. Best done with a men's-style electric razor, the best of which, for women, are probably those from the men's range of Norelco razors (Philishave outside the US). Most women who try a men's Norelco wonder why nobody ever told them about it before.

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