Sunday, October 25, 2009

How resistant or sensitive is e.coli to the following?

chloramphenicol, erythromycin, penicillin, and streptomycin.. state your sources please. thanks
E. coli, like every bacteria has different "species". Not every E. coli cell can be killed by the same antibiotic. E. coli is gram negative so some penicillins will kill it. Ampicillin will take out E. coli, erythromycin will take out E. coli, streptomycin will take out E. coli, and I'm not sure about Cholramphenicol. Again, not all the drugs you listed will take out every E. coli bacteria.
It depends on the strain of bacteria. You'd need to culture your E. coli sample, grow it on some agar, and perform susceptability testing in the lab in order to find out which antibiotic(s) would be able to treat it.
According to my Quik Look Drug Index, E. coli is not sensitive to any of those antibiotics - though is sensitive to Ampicillin, a lot of cefalosporins as well as prednisolone combined with gentamycin.

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