Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to fight aging skin early??

I am 16. What should I do for my daily routine to keep my skin healthy. Any good products, home recipes, anything. How much sun should I get a day? So is it possible to try to stay away from sun as much as possible and take Vitamin D tablets?? I get more and more worried about my skin whenever I look at older people. I don't know why, maybe that's somethin gI should look over first because it's part of life to grow old. I do want to take good care of myself too though.
Wow thinking this way at 16 already. Well that's a little psycho but hey good for you the best way to keep skin healthy is to take care of it now! I am 29 and I am freakingout about getting wrinkles and all that stuff.
I dated a dermatologist and I am a scientist so I can totally help you out for advise :)
The #1 thing you can do is wear sunscreen EVERY day. Every morning when you gently wash your face put on SPF 15 or greater. I use neutrogena SPF45 you can get it at walmart where the face washes are. You got to use it every day. Also try not to wear tons of caked on make up, a little is fine but the more you put on the more it settles into your grooves int he skin and makes the deeper. Never wear make up to bed- unless you absolutley have to. And do not scrub your face, treat it gently that skin is soft and delicate. Make sure you drink fruit juice, low fat milk and plenty of water to keep skin hydrated- but that is normal advise for your whole body. Use a moisturizer for your skin every day (any one is good as long as it says for face they are all similar, you only need anti wrinkle ones when you are in your late 20's right now they will do absolutly nothing, so just get a normal one). Also vitamins can keep skin strong and soft- take a kids chewable vitamin every day- like flinstones- yes the kids kind (I take them too they rock) at any age all you need is the kids chewables because you eat normal food to get most of the vitamins you need anyways they just help in case you slack of on vegies and such. DO NOT SMOKE, smoking puts wrinkles on fast and can cause cancer on your skin (and duh lungs too. lol)
SPF is the #1 way to keep your skin young for years and years all the other stuff will help but sun damage is the #1 ager of skin (unless you smoke, then smoke is #1).
well I'm black and you know how they say that black women age more gracefully than white women? Well it's because our skin has the right oils that it needs to protect against early aging. You should get a moisturizer and use it daily to protect against aging.

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