Sunday, October 25, 2009

How often do you shower?

Don't lie I just wanted to know, oh and how often should a 13 year old female shower?
Everyone should shower once per day! Humans' internal schedule is approximately 24 hours (thanks to the length of our days), and this includes things like production of oils in the hair. Since you're 13, you DEFINITELY need to shower once per day. During puberty, people tend to sweat more and have more B.O. than their non-pubescent counterparts.
Every Day!
Mostly every second day, sometimes every day...for a while it was twice a day but I was having crazy night sweats so even though I showered at night, I'd have to again in the morning. I think lots of people shower once a day, but honestly, I feel clean with a second day shower for the most part.
well considering the am shower to get the nights dirt off and the evening shower to kick off the dust? most people should go for 2 or 3 a day... myself? I take 3 daily,as I go to the gym daily and need a shower afterwards, even in school or college it should be 1 in the am at waking, 1 after PE and one bef bed
Once a day.and again if you work out or get dirty/sweaty!
I would think that most people shower every day. A 13 year old girl definitely should. At this age she is developing hormones and will sweat. Also,there will be more oil on her face clogging her pores, If she is menstruating,even more reason to shower every day. It should be part of everyone's daily hygiene.
Everyday. I dunno why people think that it is ok not to shower everyday. That is just disgusting.
I would encourage you to shower every day.
once everyday.
You can get away with not showering every day but you must wash underarms and private parts every day, and use a good deodorant CREAM..but if you're seeing a boy, don't make it that it's been over 24hrs since your last shower

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