Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to fight heart disease?

Do you have any ideas on how to prevent heart disease, from what to eat, to exercise, or anything else?
Keep your lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides) low by eating
meats with less fat content, exercise will help in doing this
as well as the extra benefit of strengthening the heart.
Don't smoke, keep your weight down.These are some starting points to get you started
dark chocolate, and red wine
Eat healthy is the most important thing. Low cholesterol and eating things oats and other grains can help. This balanced with adequate cardio exercise and you can lower your chances dramatically of getting heart disease.
eat low fat foods, skimmed milk and white meat such as chicken and fish. Avoid red meat. walk and excercise a lot. it will reduce the fat.
How do you majorly reduce your likeliness of getting coronary artery disease ?
Knowing your fasting blood glucose levelsLowering eliminating severe stress
Maintain normal weight and do excercise but do NOT over do sprints twice a week or 3 NO MORElift weights
Make sure you have a nutrient rich diet AVOID low fat nonsenseavoid trans fatty acids which are man made
make sure your omega3 ratio is greater than omega 6blood pressure normaldo NOT drink- red wine is a MYTH the :Lipid Hypothesis is FALSE THAT is why French have low rates NOT red wineThey do NOT have a monopoly on red wine consumnption- Italy and Spain drink just as much red wine and do NOT have nearly the low rates the French have.
do NOT smoke.
Regular's the only remedy proven to extend life. Fast at least one day per week. If you have plaque built up in your arteries, you may want to try a longer fast.
When we fast the body can dissolve fat deposits in the arteries.
No matter if they tell you it's bad for you, research it!
Limited fasting is very healthy, and almost everyone can do it.
You can't fight it, once you have it.You can only lower your chances of developing it.To the guy above I am very sorry you have coronary heart diseaseUnfortunately it was the SMOKING that did it NOT cholesterol.I am not judging you or implyimng you deserve it I am just saying what the researach has found Do NOT be fooled by scientifically UNofunded anti cholesterol propaganda.Smoking absolutely does this. I in fact know a several; smokers who all developed coronary heart disease due to the vascular damage that starts off the inflamation which leads to the hard fibrous scar tissue which leads toi coronary heart disease

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