Sunday, October 25, 2009

How serious is it for a pregant lady to be in contact with a child with chicken pox?

the lady in question is 4 months pregnant .
If she has never had chickenpox and is exposed in early pregnancy it can cause problems. Remember that you can catch chickenpox from someone with shingles if you have not had chickenpox before.If you are unsure (and so is your mother) if you have had c/p and you are pregnant, you should go to your Dr or midwife who can arrange a blood test to screen for c/p and see if you are immune.If you are not, I think there is some sort of immunoglobulin they can give to reduce the likleyhood of you developing the illness.I am a practice nurse and have recenly taken blood from at least two women for this very reason.
Did she already have chicken pox? If not, keep her away.
Stay away, just to be safe. I think i heard that it's dangerous.
There are a lot of factors here. It depends on...
1) whether the woman has had chicken pox or the immunization
2) the stage of the pregnancy
3) other factors.A pregnant woman who even thinks she's been exposed to chicken pox should contact her doctor immediately because she may have a higher risk of giving birth to a baby with birth defects. Again, this is dependent on several factors, so a doctor should be consulted immediately.Good luck!
I have taken this from a link.It is quite often that women who are pregnant come into contact with someone who has chicken pox. This can cause great worry, but it is uncommon for there to be major problems.80-90% of women who are pregnant are likely to be protected from chicken pox, either from previously having the disease or a sub-clinical, 'silent' infection.
This is very dangerous. My midwife said to me that I have to stay away from children with chicken pox. It is even more dangerous if the woman hasn't had chicken pox herself previously. Ring your midwife emergency line to be on the safe side!
I used to think it was serious until recently but apparently if the pregnant woman has had chicken pox herself in the past,it should be ok.I would still check that out with your G.P. though.
it can leave to a miscarriage. its best to stay clear of anyone who has chicken pox.
its OK as long as the mother to be has hadchicken pox herself.
my son had cp whist i was preg and thats what my midwife told me
It is harmless if she has had chickenpox before and is thus immune. If she has not had chickenpox, or is uncertain, she needs to see a doctor and get an antibody check. If she proves to be non-immune, hyper-immune gamma globulin is given as if she develops infection in pregnancy there is a risk to both mother and child.
I she's already had chicken pox her own immunity will protect the baby...if she hasn't she should go and see her midwife or GP who can give her a blood test to check her immunity.
quite if there is no way the woman cant stay away from the child in question then go to a doctor to seek advice
very serious if she hadn't had a chicken pox. specially if she's around 1st trimester. pox virus is a teratogenic virus to pregnant women, meaning, they can alter the baby's configuration resulting to an anomaly. better keep her away from children having pox. my parents always told us that we must contract the virus as early as possible (like childhood) so that we are fully immunized from the virus in the later life. chicken pox shows a hard complecation if contrated by adults.

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