Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to cure an eye stye?

Am I spelling that correctly? I have a pimple like thing developing under my eye- I think its a stye (spelled as it sounds) should I use a warm press on it or a cold one. its kind of painful...
It's spelled "sty". The cure is hot compresses, 3 or 4 times a day. Use a wet washcloth with water as hot as you can reasonably stand. Hold the compress over your closed eye until it cools off. The sty will be gone in about a week.
when i get one i usually use a warm tea bag. helps relieve the itchiness for one and helps draw out the crap.
What I usually do is take a very warm (steaming is better) wash cloth and hold it there for a while, a couple of times a day.Hope you feel better soon!!:]]
if its truly a stye, the only way to get rid of it is meds from a doctor. If you don't get the meds it will get worse! it can cause, and worse and worse. And it will look AWFUL! and its very contagious!
An antibiotic cream for the eye actually works best. There is an over the counter medication for it at the pharmacy or walmart. I used to go to the farmers co-op and buy teramycin antibiotic ointment for cattle and use it. It would be gone in a couple of days and it saved me a trip to the doctors.
I usually get in the shower and turn the water on hot, hot enough to where it wont burn me and place my eye under it, it makes it go away really fast and makes it feel better too
Put a warm press on it and if it does not go away you will have to get it cut. It is just a small op. The ophthalmologist will deaden the area and slit it. The next morning you should be good. This is when the glands are blocked.
Keep the eye with a warm cloth. If you want faster results, go to a pharmacy and ask the pharmacist. Usually they have some drops that will help alleviate the itching.
Since a syte is an infected hair follice; take a good look in the mirror to see the hair. It is usually an eye lash. Get these items ready- tweezers, tissues and a hot wet compress. The key with the compress is to open you eye so that you can get direct pressure applied to the stye. After a minute, remove compress and use tweezers to remove eyelash, use tissues to remove any pus. Do not use a wet compress after the syte has "popped". Also, you need to get rid of all the eye makeup you have been using and change wash clothes each time you touch the area.
they do have medicne for that called stye

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