Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to get more water into a person dieing of brain cancer?

My wife is in the palliative stage of Glioblastoma Multiforme iv
and is having difficulty in swallowing food liquid or pills.She needs to get more water in her system to make everything function better. Need your best tested methods.
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through such a painful experience. When my mother was at this stage the hospice nurse said all we could do was to get the little sponges on a stick and swab or lips and the inside of her mouth with water. It was just a little at a time making it easier to swallow. There are patches and drops for under the tongue for medication since the pills are so hard to swallow. It is minimal dropps absorbed making minimal swallowing necessary. Have you talked to a hospice nurse?
why don't the doctors just give her IV fluids.
Feeding tube or IV is the best option. There are 2 different kinds of feeding tubes, one that goes up the nose, down the throat, and into the stomach.. VERY simple, no surgery required. The other is what I call a "button" .. more permanent, but can be taken out..Probably best for long-term. Requires minor surgery. From the outside it looks like a little clip. You attach a tube to it at time of feeding (or in this case fluids) and take a syringe full of liquid and pump into it. Very very simple to do, and goes directly into the stomach.
First of all, sorry to hear about your wife and sorry for the jerk who gave you such a stupid answer. My brother-in-law lived with us while he was dying from the same type of cancer. I can advise you try frequent small sips and ice chips, things like jello but really if may not be enough and she will need IV fluids, she can also get her meds through an IV. You can keep her more comfortable by using little wet sponges to keep her lips and mouth moist. I work in a hospital and it is very uncomfotable for your mouth to be all dried out, so that will really help her feel better. Good luck to you and again, I am very sorry about your wife.

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