Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to help allergies when you have high blood pressure?

I know there are tons of allergy medications, however, my mom has high blood pressure so she is restricted to most medications for allergies. Any suggestions?
Patients with high blood pressure still have options with allergy meds, it's the decongestant part of medications that she shouldn't take but antihistamines are fine. Brand names differ from country to country but as long as she asks the pharmacist for a straight antihistamine (either sedating or a newer non-drowsy one will be fine) then she can get relief. Sedating ones will make her tired but are great for drying up running noses and itchy skin whereas the newer non-drowsy ones work directly on the histamines being released from the body because of whatever she's allergic to. These will help with sneezing, running nose, watery eyes etc. A Pharmacist is a great person to talk to about this as they understand about the blood pressure issue and can go through options with her. Hope this helps!
Actually, there are lots of choices for your mom. Most allergy meds don't raise blood pressure. It's the sinus meds that do. She can take everything from Benadryl to prescription Zyrtec.
I have bad allergies and had high blood pressure until a recent weight loss. I took Allegra and Flonase when I had the high blood pressure, still take them, and they work great. No allergy attacks anymore.

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