Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to lose the bug in a day (sick)?

how do i lose the flew
wait it out and let mother nature take it's course, be sure to get lots of rest to build up your immune system.
hope you feel better soon.
You can try lots of garlic and a whole lot of positive thinking.Laughter has always been the best medicine!!
Unfortunatelyt you can't. A "bug" such as the common cold virus or influenza, once it has taken hold in your body it will work it's natural course. There are some things that you can do to prevent that from happening which I will mention in a moment. In the meantime, here is some personal advise. Don't be so anxious. You will need to rest to give your body';s natural immuno system to take IT"S natural course in mounting it's defenses. Avoid strenuous tasks...mental or physical. Be a willfull collaborator with your body and take aspirin, vitamin C, hot clear soups, and water. Take antihistamin if warranted. If your cold is causing blockage in your nasal passages or chest, and it has lasted a few days, or is particulalrly severe, see a doctor. Ditto if it's accompanied by fever.
For prevention: wash your hands...often. Use soap generously or carry a small tube of hand sanitizer. Avoid airplanes or other crowded situations to the extent that you can. Get your flu vaccination every year...without fail. Be observant about your surroundings...someone is hacking away or looks feverish. Avoid contact. A known flu epidemic spreading around...read about it at the CDC bulletin board. http://www.cdc.gov/
A miracle.Otherwise, take some Airborne (I use the generic) or some Zicam and wait a while.It won't get rid of anything immediately, but it'll be faster than if you use nothing at all (especially the Zicam.)Gargle with warm salt water and snort some saline from a nose bottle (cheap at drugstore, like a buck or two) and drink plenty of fluids.

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